DensitySort® Air Table

The DensitySort® Air Table is designed to sort nonferrous fines into light and heavy fractions. This can significantly improve value.

The DensitySort Air Table uses air, vibration and slope to separate the fines fraction. It does not require a media base, such as sand, water or filtration.

As product is fed at the high point of the table’s slope, its specific mass directs the product to the low or high side of the table, providing an upgraded high grade aluminum product (twitch) and a heavy product containing nearly 80 percent heavy metals by weight.

Once a fluidized bed of material is maintained, the heavy products sink to the bottom of the burden and travel up the table to a discharge point. The light fraction remains on top of the burden and travels to the low side of the table. Any product that does not get separated on the first pass recirculates until it reaches the appropriate discharge.

The DensitySort can process 0.25-inch-by-1-inch and 1-inch-by-2-inch fractions without changing the machine’s setup.