Vecoplan online event offers shredding and processing info

Equipment company’s 360-Degree Days scheduled for May 27-29.

Noting the postponement and then cancellation of the IFAT 2020 trade fair in Munich, Germany, equipment company Vecoplan AG has announced its 360-Degree Days online event, scheduled for May 27-29.

The Germany-based equipment company says some of its in-house “experts will host an exclusive live presentation from Vecoplan’s state-of-the-art technology center.” Adds the firm, “Participants will learn all about recycling and processing technology, subdivided into several topic areas.”

The company says the first segment of the event will focus on “solutions for sustainable waste treatment and flexible, economical handling of refuse-derived fuels (RDF).” Adds the firm, “Many cement manufacturers use RDF to reduce their costs. After processing, the material must be homogeneous and have a specific particle size range. Viewers of the live presentation will see how this is achieved.”

Subsequent first-day presentations “will report on successful systems for plastic recycling,” says Vecoplan. The company says it supplies machinery and equipment for shredding, conveying and processing primary and secondary raw materials, “opening the way to closed-cycle waste management.”

The second day will include presentations on “advanced waste shredding solutions for the extraction of recyclable materials and the production of gas, electricity, heat and RDF from various fractions,” states Vecoplan. “Next, Vecoplan’s experts will describe new requirements and solutions for mechanical pre-treatment in plastic recycling, which allows plastics to be returned to production in a closed cycle.”

May 29 programming will include a “demonstration of efficient shredding in real-life practice and explain the solutions offered by Vecoplan,” concludes the firm.

The presentations on the first two days will be in German in the morning and English in the afternoon. Participants will be welcome to ask questions that will be collected and answered at the end of each segment, according to the equipment firm.

More details on the content will be announced in time for interested parties to sign up topics of interest, says Vecoplan, and registration information will be available on this web page.