Recycle Ann Arbor launches zero waste initiative focused on reuse and repair

The Boost Reuse program organizes reuse drives in collaboration with local community organizations.

a roll-off container with bicycles inside and the boost reuse logo to the right of the container

Photo courtesy of Recycle Ann Arbor

Michigan’s Recycle Ann Arbor has launched Boost Reuse, a program focused on reuse and repair.

Partially funded by a waste reduction sponsorship from the Washtenaw County Water Resources Materials Management Division, Boost Reuse is a community reuse drive that seeks to develop and promote reuse programs at the Drop-Off Station and Recovery Yard.

Recycle Ann Arbor says the initiative aligns with its goal to reduce and divert municipal solid waste in Washtenaw County by raising awareness about the benefits of reuse in conserving natural resources by extending the life of products, thereby reducing the need to extract new raw materials for manufacturing new products. Additionally, reuse programs can foster a sense of community and help build a culture of sustainability and responsibility, inspiring others to adopt similar practices, the organization says.

Reuse initiatives such as Boost Reuse, repair shops, and second-hand retail stores also contribute to local job creation and support the circular economy as part of Washtenaw County’s zero waste goals, Recycle Ann Arbor adds.

The Boost Reuse program’s inaugural event, a used bike drive, started Aug. 19 and runs through Oct. 18. Used or unwanted bicycles of any type and condition can be dropped off at the Drop-Off Station or Recovery Yard, with donors receiving free entry to recycle their traditional recyclables that same day (limit one free entry per person). Usable and repairable bikes will be donated to local partner organizations, Common Cycle and Milan Bike Guy. These organizations will repair and distribute the bikes to those in need within the community. Bikes unable to be repaired will be salvaged for usable parts and then recycled at Recycle Ann Arbor facilities.

Boost Reuse will host several reuse collection drives throughout the year for items such as books, gardening equipment/supplies and school/office supplies.

Founded in 1977, Recycle Ann Arbor is a mission-based, nonprofit, community-based zero waste recycler that operates five divisions: the Material Recovery Facility (MRF), the Recovery Yard, the Drop-Off Station, Curbside Pick-Up and EcoPark.