Monadnock Paper Mills attains CSR certification

New Hampshire recycled-content mill earns platinum rating after EcoVadis corporate social responsibility assessment.

ecovadis platinum logo
The recycled-content paper mill operator says the platinum status places Monadnock among the top 1 percent of more than 90,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis globally.
Image courtesy of Monadnock Paper Mills and EcoVadis

Monadnock Paper Mills Inc., Bennington, New Hampshire, says it has been designated with platinum status after an EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment.

The recycled-content paper mill operator says the platinum status places Monadnock among the top 1 percent of more than 90,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis globally, with the firm saying the designation underscores its “legacy of sustainability and leadership in responsible craftsmanship.”

EcoVadis, a Paris-based provider of business sustainability ratings, evaluates companies in four areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Monadnock says its score of 83 out of 100 reflects its dedication to sustainability, “from carbon-neutral manufacturing powered by 100 percent renewable wind energy to responsible fiber sourcing certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).”

“Our journey to a platinum rating was driven by a companywide unwavering commitment to meaningful action,” says Richard G. Verney, board chair and CEO of Monadnock, which refers to itself as the oldest continuously operating paper mill in the United States.

“This achievement reflects the hard work of our employees and partners, whose dedication made this significant accomplishment possible,” adds Verney.

In the environment aspect of its assessment, Monadnock says it scored well because of “quantitative objectives for carbon-neutral operations, renewable energy use, waste reduction efforts and ISO 14001 certification.”

The company says its Initiatives include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, efficient water management and employee sustainability training.

On the sustainable procurement front, last year the company started offering Envi PC 100 gift cards, made from 100 percent postconsumer recycled content, according to the firm.