Mexico boosts infrastructure spending plans

Some $11 billion in metals-intensive infrastructure spending is being planned by the Mexican government.

construction worker elevated
Mexico’s government has continued to see infrastructure spending as a way to promote economic recovery.
Image provided by Dreamstime.

Highway, energy transmission and water system projects are atop the menu in an $11.5 billion infrastructure spending plan announced by Mexico’s government.

According to an early December Associated Press report, a list of nearly 30 public infrastructure projects have been unveiled by the government, with most of the projects expected to break ground by the end of 2021.

With most of the projects in the highway, energy and water system categories, the consumption of steel and other metals could be considerable. The $11.5 billion in newly announced projects joins an earlier round of nearly 40 projects priced at about $14 billion, according to AP.

The rounds of infrastructure spending approval are part of that nation’s attempt to create an economic rebound after the setbacks caused by COVID-19 and subsequent restrictions on work, travel and other activity.

According to AP, the largest single plan announced in early December is a $2.35 billon liquified natural gas terminal to be built in Baja California, a project likely to entail the use of considerable amounts of steel piping, tubing and storage tanks made of stainless steel and other metals.