Commentary: Making EVs more eco-friendly

The life cycle of EV batteries presents environmental considerations that will require research and development for improvement.

A lithium-ion battery used in an electric vehicle.

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining traction as a solution for sustainable transportation, offering potential benefits such as reduced emissions and lower operating costs compared with traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. However, the environmental impact of EVs extends beyond tailpipe emissions.

The life cycle of EV batteries, particularly their production, disposal and recycling, presents environmental considerations that necessitate ongoing research and development for improvement, underscoring the dynamic nature of this field.

Production and performance

While EVs excel with zero tailpipe emissions compared with ICE vehicles, their indirect emissions during production require ongoing reduction efforts. A major hurdle lies in producing large-capacity lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) for EVs, which has a notable impact on the resulting carbon footprint linked to their production.

According to McKinsey's research, this stage accounts for 40 percent to 60 percent of an EV’s total production footprint. With each EV battery potentially responsible for more than 7 tons of CO2 emissions during production and considering transportation generates roughly 20 percent of global fossil CO2 emissions, this rapid growth necessitates focusing on minimizing the battery manufacturing’s environmental impact. 

Cold weather challenges

Since the optimal EV operation temperature range is from 15 to 45 C (59 to 113 F), cold weather complicates the picture by reducing range and accelerating battery degradation arising from its impact on battery chemistry. EV owners face a common challenge: decreased driving range in cold weather. This is not a minor inconvenience but a significant issue affecting EVs practicality in specific regions where cold weather is common.

Low temperatures reduce LIB efficiency, impacting their ability to deliver power. In chemical terms, cold temperatures slow down internal chemical reactions in the battery, leading to decreased power output.

Additionally, cabin heating in EVs is required. In most cases, EVs use energy from the battery pack to heat the interior, leading to increased energy consumption, reduced driving range and more frequent charging compared with EVs operated in warmer climates. For instance, an analysis of 12 popular electric car models showed that the winter range of the Volkswagen ID.4 decreases by 46 percent, which is about 130 miles on a full charge. The Tesla Model Y, Model 3 and Model X experienced a 24 percent reduction in range, while the Model S decreased by 28 percent.

Various types of batteries are used in modern EVs, with the most common being lithium iron phosphate (LFP) in China and nickel cobalt manganese (NCM) in the rest of the world.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to performance in winter, tests show that the temperature resistance of NCM batteries is relatively balanced, allowing them to operate normally in low- and high-temperature environments. LFP batteries have a better ability to withstand high temperatures compared with NCM batteries but, conversely, their performance suffers in cold temperatures. At 0 C (32 F), the performance of LFP batteries can decrease by 10 percent to 20 percent, and at minus-20 C (minus-4 F), it's only about 60 percent of the original performance.

Addressing challenges for a sustainable future

The challenges surrounding EV batteries in winter raise an important question: How does their performance in cold weather affect their overall environmental impact compared to ICE vehicles? 

Several key areas require ongoing focus to minimize the environmental footprint of EVs throughout their lifecycle. Research efforts to boost battery performance in cold conditions are ongoing. Ensuring long battery life and reducing capacity degradation are essential. Additionally, maximizing renewable energy sources for electricity generation significantly can reduce the carbon footprint associated with EV charging, offering a glimmer of hope for a more sustainable future.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) emphasizes the critical role of batteries in a recent report. The Paris-based organization says it estimates batteries will supply 80 percent of energy storage by 2030, with 1,500 gigawatts of storage needed to triple renewable energy capacity. This massive increase necessitates significant advancements in battery technology, with key areas for improvement including cost reduction, minimizing battery degradation risks, improving energy efficiency and diversifying battery supply chains. Fortunately, promising solutions are arising within the industry. 

Continuing with current battery technology might not be enough. One solution gaining traction is the adoption of heat pump systems. These systems, already included in all new Tesla models, offer improved efficiency for heating and cooling the battery pack and vehicle interior.

Heat pumps function similarly to refrigerators or air conditioners, transferring heat from a source (outside air) to a destination (cabin or battery pack), even in cold weather.  Some studies suggest heat pumps can help EVs claw back somewhere between 3 percent to 15 percent of their range—up to 50 miles—lost in cold weather. Even though heat pumps have improved the issue of efficiency loss during winter, they haven't completely solved it. Even with these new advancements, cold weather rapidly deteriorates the efficiency of a heat pump. 

Another potential solution to the challenges EVs face involves using innovative materials and new approaches offered by various startups. For instance, my company, Luxembourg-based smart-materials startup Voltcore creates heating grids or fabrics that seamlessly integrate into various materials, such as composites and battery coverings. This approach can reduce preheating time in subzero temperatures, extending battery life and increasing driving range with almost 100 percent energy efficiency. Additionally, Voltcore highlights the environmental benefits of its product, such as recyclability and minimal weight impact on vehicle weight, offering a glimpse into the promising future of EV technology.

While electric vehicles offer a clear advantage over traditional ICE cars in terms of tailpipe emissions, the environmental impact throughout their life cycle requires ongoing attention. Advancements in battery technology—focusing on improving energy density, reducing carbon footprint linked to their production and using sustainable recycling methods—are crucial for the development of electromobility to reach their full potential as sustainable transportation solutions.

Vlad Batkhin is a professional with more than 15 years of expertise in business development and complex new-tech capital project execution in the chemical business. He is the founder and CEO of Voltcore, a material science climate tech startup based in Luxembourg. To learn more, visit