Magnomer’s magnetizable inks receive APR Responsible Innovation recognition

Magnomer’s magnetizable coatings technology is expected to be compatible with sorting and reclaiming steps commonly used to recycle PET containers.

a pet bottle with a full-sleeve lable and a magnet

Photo courtesy of Magnomer

Magnomer Inc., Framingham, Massachusetts, has received the Association of Plastic Recyclers’ (APR’s) Responsible Innovation recognition for its Magmar SS magnetizable coatings applied to shrink films made from polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PET-G) for labeling PET containers. The APR recognition, based on a high-volume commercial scale recyclability test for shrink sleeves, demonstrates that Magnomer’s novel magnetizable coatings technology is expected to be compatible with sorting and reclaiming steps commonly used for recycling PET containers.

Magnomer received the APR recognition in conjunction with several partner companies, including a leading beverage maker and shrink sleeve supplier. Other partners included PET recyclers Evergreen and Indorama Ventures.

The evaluation done by the Washington-based APR demonstrates that, when applied to PET-G shrink sleeve labels, Magmark SS allows for the materials’ effective removal from PET flake. The coatings do not interfere with automated NIR, or near-infrared, sorting of PET bottles and permits the use of caustic-resistant inks on PET-G label films, Magnomer says, adding that Magmark SS has been successfully tested at production scale with sleeve separation of 99-plus percent at commercial PET reclaimers. 

Magnomer says its magnetizable inks are a new approach to imparting sortability to plastic packaging, The drop-in ink technology resolves plastic sorting and recycling challenges and has been commercially launched in partnership with leading consumer brands, label suppliers and recyclers.

“We’re thrilled to receive this APR recognition for our new and innovative approach to enhancing recyclability for plastics packaging,” says Ravish Majithia, Magnomer co-founder and CEO. “Our printable magnetizable inks are a design tool which allows consumer brands and manufacturers to enable better packaging recyclability without changes to manufacturing.”

The separation of labels using magnets not only serves the all-important purpose of contamination reduction but also represents an opportunity to recycle the label itself, says Greg Johnson, chief operating officer at Evergreen, which is based in Clyde, Ohio.

“Such innovations which make use of existing equipment to further improve rPET quality are commendable and should be welcomed in the PET recycling industry,” says Byron Geiger, head of operations at Thailand-based Indorama Ventures Sustainable Solutions.  

Magnomer’s patented magnetizable inks can be integrated into current packaging, improving separation in existing recycling operations, the company says.

Resolving technical problems in material segregation leads to higher-quality recycled products and better economics, Majithia says. “This is how we can transition from downcycling to true circular recycling.”

Magnomer says its magnetizable coatings are scalable and complement current high-speed printing with no impact to operations. These inks impart magnetic functionality and are cost-equivalent to adding a color to brand artwork. They do not affect brand artwork or design, comply with all relevant safety regulations for indirect food contact and are designed to not bleed during wash steps in recycling operations.