Maintenance Checklist

Commonly accepted maintenance requirements for personal protective equipment.

Before your company can institute a maintenance program for personal protective equipment (PPE), you must first know the commonly accepted maintenance required.

Eye Protection:

  • Regularly clean safety glasses and goggles with mild soap and water.
  • When lens are dirtied on the job, rinse with water before wiping to prevent scratching.
  • Store eye protection in a clean dust-proof case or in a safe place, such as the top shelf of a locker, where it won’t get scratched or otherwise damaged.
  • Replace safety glasses if frames are bent and goggles if headbands are loose, twisted, knotted or worn.
  • Replace any kind of eye protection if lenses are scratched or pitted and impair vision.
  • Replace eye protection with headbands that have lost their elasticity, are sweat-soaked, broken or twisted.
  • Repair or throw away protection that does not properly hold face guards in place.

Hearing Protection:

  • Wipe earmuffs with a damp cloth after use, store in a safe place and replace cushions when they lose their resilience.
  • Wash re-usable earplugs every day, store in a clean case and replace if plugs are hard or discolored.
  • Wipe canal caps (headband plugs) with a damp cloth after each use, store them in a safe place so the headband won’t get bent or twisted and replace if the band is damaged and no longer fits comfortably.

Head Protection:

  • Clean hard hats regularly with warm water and soap and allow to air dry.
  • Store head protection away from extreme temperatures, out of the sun and in a safe place where it cannot get damaged.
  • Check the headband daily to ensure it is not stretched or worn. It should fit comfortably on the head.  
  • Replace all hard hats that show cracks, dents or other signs of damage. 


  • Clean and disinfect respirators daily according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Check seals for cracks, holes, deterioration and any other problems that could interfere with the effectiveness of the protection.
  • Store in a location where the devices are protected from light, heat, cold, moisture, dust and chemicals.
  • Store the respirator so that rubber and plastic parts hold their shape.


  • Keep gloves clean and dry.
  • Always have two sets of gloves per employee in case one pair gets wet and needs to dry.
  • Inspect gloves for rips, fraying, cracks or other damage before using.
  • Discard damaged gloves immediately.


  • Clean soiled or wet shoes immediately. 
  • Air out work shoes at the end of the workday.
  • Check shoes regularly for signs of damage and wear.
  • Replace all worn and damaged shoes.
  • Ensure socks are free of holes and dry throughout a shift. If an employee has sweaty feet, ask him or her to bring an extra pair of socks and change at lunch.