Hydro, Brompton partner to develop recycled bicycle wheel rim

The two companies aim toward net-zero emissions with a bicycle wheel rim made from fully recycled aluminum.

Hydro Circal
Brompton wheel rims made from 100 percent-recycled Hydro Circal 100R aluminum.
Photo courtesy of Hydro Aluminum Metal

Norway-based aluminum and renewable energy company Hydro and London-based bicycle company Brompton have partnered with the focus on using Hydro’s low-carbon aluminum in Brompton’s bikes.

The companies manufactured bicycle rims from Hydro Circal 100R, a 100 percent-recycled product that has reduced weight and a near-zero carbon dioxide emissions footprint.

“We are excited to collaborate with innovative sustainability leaders such as Brompton to develop new low-carbon products that meet consumer expectations,” says Hanne Karine Simensen, Hydro Aluminum Metal vice president. “By providing full transparency of the carbon emissions in our value chain, we enable our customers to get in gear and reach their climate ambitions.”  

Brompton says the aluminum Hydro supplies is based on 100 percent-postconsumer scrap from old window frames, car wheels or other consumer products. Each bicycle part must withstand product testing for safety, strength, durability and corrosion resistance. Brompton has undertaken such tests at its London facility to ensure the Hydro Circal rims meet the same standards as all the other parts of a Brompton bike. 

“We know how important sustainability is for our customers and their expectation is that we must lead the change by looking at the entire value chain for how our bikes are manufactured,” says Will Carleysmith, Brompton chief design and engineering officer. “It starts with the material choice and ensuring the products we put into our bicycle can be recycled after end-of-life.” 

A bicycle used for transportation is more sustainable than most other vehicles, but the companies say they still evaluate the environmental footprint of the materials used in their manufacturing. A study by the European Cyclists’ Federation estimates the materials used to make a 15-kilogram, or 33-pound, bicycle has an average carbon footprint of 75 kilograms, or 165 pounds, of CO2

“As the world’s first safety compliant component manufactured from 100 percent-postconsumer recycled aluminum, the rims provide a real-world example of a truly circular economy in the industry,” Carleysmith says. “Brompton wants to continue to lead product innovation within the micromobility industry, and bringing new sustainability solutions to the market is a top priority.” 

According to Hydro, its commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050 is sought out through its road map to zero-emission aluminum production

“To stop global warming, we need to decarbonize manufacturing, produce for circularity and recycle resources already in use,” Simensen says. “By choosing Hydro’s low-carbon, recycled aluminum in their bikes, Brompton is leading the way in their industry to get the circular economy rolling. We are thrilled to be along for the ride.” 

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