Greyparrot makes next generation MRF material analyzer available

Technology vendor says its latest device gives MRF operators “100 percent visibility” into the composition of materials on its conveyors.

greyparrot recyclable materials analyzer
Greyparrot backer and investor Tony Fadell says the analyzer “distinguishes the type of material, brand, size, mass, function, monetary value and emissions potential” of materials that pass beneath it.
Photo courtesy of Greyparrot

London-based Greyparrot says its next-generation Greyparrot Analyzer unit designed to inspect material recovery facility (MRF) streams is now available.

The firm says its new unit, which is positioned above conveyor belts in MRFs and uses cameras to capture images and produce data on material flows, is made of lightweight recyclable materials and uses from 10 percent to 15 percent less energy than the previous model.

Greyparrot says its analyzer “gives MRFs 100 percent visibility” into the composition of materials passing underneath on conveyors in their facilities. within their facility. The firm says it already has helped customers divert some 66,000 tons of recyclable material from landfills, incineration or the environment.

The technology vendor says its next-generation unit “transitions from a fully metal chassis to a lightweight yet strong polycarbonate unit with metal bracing and other recyclable materials.” IT achieves “the majority” of its energy savings because of its new graphics processing unit (GPU), which Greyparrot says saves energy while in use.

“Recycling facilities need superpowers to identify and classify the value of their waste streams, and Greyparrot’s artificial intelligence (AI)-powered waste analyzer does exactly that,” says Tony Fadell of Greyparrot backer and investor Build Collective, who Greyparrot credits as “the inventor of the iPod and Nest.”

Says Fadell of Greyparrot’s analyzer, it “distinguishes the type of material, brand, size, mass, function, monetary value and emissions potential of each piece of our trash. Greyparrot turns trash into treasure accurately, quickly and cost-effectively.”

“The launch of our latest waste analyzer is a huge leap forward for enhancing waste analytics, and we’re thrilled to have Tony aboard for this step in our mission,” says Ambarish Mitra, Greyparrot's co-founder.

Continues Mitra, “We’ve certainly taken some inspiration from him in aiming to be the ‘Apple of the waste industry,’ with a product designed with both best-in-class hardware and software. By bringing this latest hardware and its corresponding software update to the market, we’re providing MRFs with a sleeker, more sustainable, and low-powered AI solution to increase global recycling rates. MRFs can now better unlock the financial value of their waste to support a transition to a more circular economy, which can keep our environment clean for generations to come.”

Greyparrot says the launch brings with it the “rolling out a major software update for the Greyparrot Analyzer platform” that is “fully compatible with the current hardware version.”

One update is what the vendor calls “a significant enhancement to the widely used alerts feature.” Greyparrot Analyzer Alerts “notify MRFs of dips in purity and other sudden changes in material composition via Greyparrot's Analyzer portal, and via [text message] or email,” says the company.

By identifying material composition shifts against set thresholds, the system alerts operators to quality issues and potential blockages, preventing escalations and reducing manual interventions, according to Greyparrot.

Greyparrot says its next-generation Analyzer is available for preorder and that the software update already is “being rolled out to all Greyparrot customers.”

In the United States, more information about Greyparrot analyzers can be obtained from Connecticut-based technology provider Van Dyk Recycling Solutions