Florida Recycling Rate Holds Steady in 2011

Florida DEP says 23 counties reported a recycling rate of 30 percent or higher.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has released updated data showing that 23 counties in the state reported a recycling rate of at least 30 percent in 2011. Additionally, the DEP says nine counties have attained a recycling rate of at least 40 percent. Overall, the DEP says the Sunshine State maintained a 30 percent recycling rate for the second consecutive year in 2011.

“Florida is making strides to reach the 2020 recycling goal of 75 percent,” says Jorge Caspary, director of the DEP’s Division of Waste Management. “However, Florida’s businesses must become more involved in recycling in order for us to achieve success.”

The Florida DEP says it has expanded its Recycling Recognition Program, which seeks to encourage the commercial sector, schools, public groups and residents to recycle more and to increase reporting through the use of the state’s Business Recycling Tracking Tool.

In 2008 the Florida Legislature enacted Florida Statute 403.7032, which established a new statewide recycling goal of 75 percent to be achieved by 2020.

Those wishing to see the complete 2011 Solid Waste Management Report can visit http://www.dep.state.fl.us/waste/categories/recycling/SWreportdata/11_data.htm.