EuRIC issues C&D materials recycling manifesto

European recycling association says its policy recommendations can “drive circularity” in Europe's construction and demolition sector.

mixed construction demolition debris
“Our manifesto provides a clear roadmap for policymakers to increase circularity in construction and demolition,” says Julia Ettinger, EuRIC’s secretary general.
Recycling Today Media Group

The Construction and Demolition Branch (ECDB) of the Brussels-based European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC) has released a manifesto titled “Increasing Circularity in the Construction Sector: Re-constructing Europe, outlining five policy recommendations for the European Union’s upcoming five-year mandate (2024–2029) designed to boost recycling in the construction and demolition sectors.

The policies aim to enhance recycling and foster a thriving recycling sector that can ensure raw material autonomy, foster innovation, create jobs and drive economic growth, the confederation says.

“The manifesto highlights the significant potential for circularity and recycling within the C&D sector, stressing the need to stimulate the market for recycled materials and advance legislation to mandate their use," EuRIC adds.

The manifesto calls for improved separation of discarded C&D materials and debris, mandatory EU Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and the introduction of EU-wide End-of-Waste (EOW) criteria EuRIC says can boost the uptake of recycled materials.

Additionally, it calls balanced chemicals legislation that protects the environment and human health while facilitating recycling and avoiding excessive industry burdens.

“Our manifesto provides a clear roadmap for policymakers to increase circularity in construction and demolition, reduce environmental degradation and resource depletion while driving economic growth and innovation within the EU,” EuRIC Secretary General Julia Ettinger says. “We urge policymakers to prioritize these recommendations in the upcoming legislative term.”

EuRIC's ECDB branch consists of national recycling federations involved in the collection, recycling and trade of end-of-life C&D materials. The ECDB says it supports industry standards and advocates for policies that enhance the demand for recycled materials.

The full manifesto can be downloaded here.

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