EMR maintains Great Place to Work status

Metals recycling company receives positive employee survey feedback for second year in a row.

emr recycling great place graphic
The CEO of EMR says it received a response rate of more than 70 percent from employees of the company at its many locations.
Image courtesy of EMR Ltd. and Great Place to Work

England-based metals recycling company EMR Ltd., which has operations in Europe and North America, has been certified as a Great Place To Work by the California-based company that issues certifications under that name. EMR also achieved that certification last year.

Great Place to Work says companies can receive its certification after surveying their employees on perceptions of credibility, respect, fairness, pride and a sense of belonging. To earn certification, average survey scores must show that approximately 7 out of 10 of a company’s employees are having a consistently positive experience at work.

“We're incredibly proud to, once again, be recognized as a Great Place To Work,” says Chris Sheppard, CEO of EMR. “This certification shows our commitment to making EMR a fantastic workplace for all our colleagues. Our colleagues and their safety, satisfaction and pride in their work, along with trust in the company, are all very important to us.

“It’s clear from the results that things are still moving in the right direction, however the work doesn’t stop here. There are still areas across the business that we need to continue to focus on, to move us from a great place to work for most to a great place to work for all.”

EMR received a response rate of more than 70 percent from employees of the company at its many locations.

“It's brilliant that so many colleagues see that we’re listening to their feedback and acting on it," Sheppard says. "We're delighted this ‘you said, we did’ approach is having a near immediate impact on their daily working lives.

“Building and maintaining a positive culture is hard work, and there’s always room to improve our colleagues’ experience. We remain focused on what truly matters to our people and to make EMR an even safer and better place to work for everyone by continuing to offer enhanced opportunities, sustainable careers, a supportive, safe environment and a strong collaborative culture.”

EMR is a family-run business that has more than 4,000 employees at more than 160 sites.