Dow, Fuenix Ecogy Group partner on plastics recycling project

Under terms of the agreement, Fuenix will supply Dow plant in the Netherlands with recycled plastic.

Dow will use pyrolysis oil made from plastic scrap to produce new polymers at its Terneuzen, the Netherlands, production facilities.
Dow will use pyrolysis oil made from plastic scrap to produce new polymers at its Terneuzen, the Netherlands, production facilities.

Dow Chemical Co., headquartered in Midland, Michigan, has signed an agreement to have Weert, the Netherlands-based Fuenix Ecogy Group supply it with pyrolysis oil feedstock made from recycled plastics. The feedstock will be used to produce new polymers at Dow’s production facilities at Terneuzen, the Netherlands.

Dow says the polymers produced from this pyrolysis oil will be identical to products produced from traditional feedstocks and can be used in the same applications, including food packaging.

Dow says the agreement is expected to contribute to its commitment to incorporate at least 100,000 metric tons of recycled plastics into its product offerings sold in the European Union by 2025.

In a news release, Diego Donoso, business president for Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics, states, “We believe plastics are too valuable to be lost as waste and should be part of the circular economy. With partners in South America, we have supported the development of construction materials made with recycled plastics for schools, and in Southeast Asia, Mexico and the United States, we have built roads made with recycled plastics.

“This partnership with Fuenix is an important next step in moving us closer to the future we envision, which is the sustainable production of circular polymers," he adds.

Sirt Mellema, CEO of Fuenix, says, “This partnership offers us the opportunity to scale up our technology. Our ambition is to ensure the value of plastic waste is fully used to create new, circular plastic while significantly reducing the global use of virgin raw materials and CO2 emissions. We are excited to be working with Dow on this initiative and look forward to playing our part in helping to produce more sustainable materials.”