Dow seeking global packaging innovators

Plastics producer issues a call for nominations for its Packaging Innovation Awards, with winners celebrated next October in Tokyo.

dow surlyn plastic

Photo courtesy of Dow

The Singapore office of global plastic resins producer Dow has unveiled the nominating process for the 2023-2024 edition of its Packaging Innovation Awards (PIA). Dow calls the PIA effort one of the industry’s longest-running independently judged awards, with new nominees competing for honors at the 35th edition of the PIA.

The PIA ceremony will be held next October in the Asia-Pacific region for the first time, with judges chosen regionally and the ceremony to take place in Tokyo. Sustainability is one of the aspects considered in the judging process.

“PIA shines a spotlight on designs that demonstrate what packaging can be when industry talent harnesses creativity and technology to solve contemporary challenges across the complete packaging value chain," Dow says.

The 2022 edition drew more than 180 packaging submissions from 30 countries, with 28 entries recognized by Dow. 

The 2023-2024 edition marks the beginning of a new biennial format designed to provide nominees with a longer submission period to give them more time to collaborate with relevant partners on building out a submission.

The submission period opened Oct. 10 and closes March 8, 2024. Award finalists will be notified in late August of next year, with the awards ceremony in Tokyo occurring next October. 

“Through the Packaging Innovation Award, we celebrate the best in packaging that meets protection, convenience and performance needs as well as being designed for sustainability,” says Karen S. Carter, president of Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics. “We continue to be inspired by the level of creativity and problem-solving each award uncovers, and we are looking forward to what this next edition brings.”

“Given Asia-Pacific’s well-established role as the manufacturing hub of the world, there is no better time or place to shine a spotlight on and underscore the importance of packaging innovation and the impact on our lives today," says David Luttenberger, the 2023 PIA Jury chair and Global Packaging Director at London-based Mintel Group Ltd.

More information on the PIA nomination process can be found here.