Whitetail Disposal wins $28M collection contract

The hauler will transition customers in Northampton Township, Pennsylvania, from rear-load to automated collection.

collection worker and rear-load truck
Whitetail Disposal Inc. won a waste, recycling and yard waste collection contract worth $28 million in Northampton Township, Pennsylvania.
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The Northampton Township, Pennsylvania, Board of Supervisors has unanimously voted to award local solid waste hauling company Whitetail Disposal Inc. its comprehensive trash, recycling and yard waste collection contract that is valued at almost $28 million.

The contract includes weekly collection of trash, recycling and yard waste for three years and two optional one-year contract extensions. Whitetail Disposal, Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania, is the largest individual subscription hauler in the Philadelphia service area. Under the new contract, service for the 12,800 homes in Northampton Township will begin on Jan. 1.

Founded in 2008 by CEO Mike Schmidt, the company recently celebrated its 15-year anniversary.

Northampton is transitioning from manual, rear-load service to automated service with new equipment. All homes will be provided with 96-gallon trash toters for their weekly service. Northampton residents already have recycling equipment, and yard waste service will remain the same. 

“We’re excited about the opportunity to work for and partner with Northampton on collection and to transition the community over to automated service,” he says. “Northampton is one of the largest communities in Pennsylvania, and we’re well prepared to partner with the community to make this significant improvement in their waste services.”

Whitetail Disposal is a family-owned company employing 260 team members who operate more than 220 vehicles while servicing more than 180,000 residential, industrial, and commercial customers each week.