CMRA selects venue for nonferrous recycling event

Chinese nonferrous metals recycling association will host its 2024 annual convention Nov. 7-9 in Suzhou, China.

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The CMRA says its November event “will feature discussions on the latest industry developments, investment policies and market trends” affecting the nonferrous sector.
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The Recycling Metals Branch (CMRA) of the Beijing-based China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNIA) will host the 24th annual CMRA Annual Convention from Nov. 7-9 in Suzhou, China.

The event at the Suzhou International Conference Hotel, about 65 miles west of Shanghai, will feature discussions on the latest industry developments, investment policies and market trends affecting the nonferrous sector, and the CMRA anticipates more than 120 exhibition booths to be on-site in the convention hall. 

The Shanghai Futures Exchange (WHFE) is co-organizing the event and lists several other organizations as supporters, including the Brussels-based Bureau of International Recycling, the Washington-based Recycled Materials Association, the Mumbai-based Material Recycling Association of India and the Dubai-based Bureau of Middle East Recycling.

CMRA will “invite relevant national authorities, industry organizations, experts from authoritative institutions and large enterprises" to present the latest developments in the global recycling nonferrous metal industry, investment policies of various countries and regions and trends in raw materials and market changes.

More information about the event, including how to register, can be obtained by emailing