Bulk Handling Systems (BHS), Eugene, Oregon, has launched its new website that includes a municipal solid waste (MSW)-focused microsite featuring a six-part video series.
The new site, www.bulkhandlingsystems.com, provides users faster and more complete access to the information and media across a variety of platforms, including tablet and mobile, according to BHS. . BHS adds that its website highlights the core technology and markets it serves, including single stream, MSW, construction and demolition, compost and organics and anaerobic digestion.
The BHS MSW Series features interviews with CEO Steve Miller and Vice President of Engineering and Research and Development Roy Miller.
The video series highlights the integrated, fully-owned technologies of the companies under the BHS umbrella, including Nihot, NRT and Zero Waste Energy (ZWE).
“BHS has been a pioneer in developing the technology and process to tackle this challenging waste stream,” says John Warne, BHS president. “We have positioned ourselves, along with our subsidiaries, to apply our collective experience and solutions to take advantage of all parts of the waste stream. Beyond that, as one company, we’re able to guarantee performance and stand behind these results—and that is unique.”
“We have designed, manufactured and installed a number of advanced mixed materials recovery facilities throughout the world in recent years, which we believe, in part, has contributed to the significant industry buzz that surrounds this type of processing,” Warne adds. “BHS has been active in this conversation, but we wanted to not only explain our processing approach, but let people see it in action—this series does that and tells this story in a compelling way.”
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