Aquapak targets new CEPI recyclability standard for its Hydropol polymer

The company says Hydropol can be used as a coating for both paper and board that is suitable for a range of packaging.

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Birmingham, U.K.-based Aquapak says it is targeting the new European harmonized recyclability validation test methodology launched by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), the association representing the paper industry, for its Hydropol polymer.

Aquapak says Hydropol—based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH)—can be successfully coated onto both paper and board, with proven gas and grease barrier properties and additional functionality such as heat seal and increased paper sheet strength, which could make it suitable for a range of packaging uses such as bags and pouches.

Aquapak claims it has already proven that Hydropol-coated paper is 100 percent repulpable in standard pulping systems and can be fully recycled. In addition, the company says that its polymer has proven to provide real improvement when set against current regulations which allow the recyclable label to be used if there is up to 15 percent unrecyclable material in the product.

The company says that, if littered, Hydropol is biodegradable, compostable, non-toxic and marine-safe.

Aquapak is now targeting the new CEPI testing protocol for Hydropol to ensure it meets the most rigorous standards. It says the protocol has been developed in collaboration with actors from the entire paper value chain, including specialized testing laboratories. A battery of tests were carried out over a nine-month period, which informed the improvements of the method and the development of three technical annexes.

The new methodology is particularly relevant to the paper packaging industry, according to Aquapak, which says that many paper packaging solutions already enjoy high recycling rates, but are also increasingly fulfilling new functionalities and need to be considered by brand owners aiming to reach higher performance in terms of the circularity and sustainability of their products.

Aquapak says that design guidelines and evaluation protocols are developed to support value chain actors in these efforts, with the end goal to make all paper packaging recyclable by 2025 and reach a recycling rate of 90 percent by 2030. The updated CEPI testing method allows paper products across Europe to be tested for their recyclability in identical conditions.

The new CEPI standards are based on the Italian National Recyclability Standard, UNI 11743, which Hydropol meets, according to Aquapak.

Aquapak Chief Technology Officer Dr. John Williams states, “We welcome the introduction of these stringent tests by CEPI, which are designed to harmonize recyclability validation across Europe and help boost recycling rates and look forward to the release of the final evaluation protocol. Hydropol has already been proven to be 100 percent recyclable under test conditions, including the Italian National Recyclability Standard on which the CEPI protocols are based, so we are confident that it will meet these new, advanced standards. Hydropol is an exciting prospect for brand owners exploring new, sustainable, paper-based packaging options as a replacement for conventional polymers which are not easily recyclable.”