Ameripen webinars to focus on recycling-related packaging labeling

Consumer goods packaging association Ameripen will host the first of three webinars next month on the topic of packaging labeling requirements.

plastic bottle recycling
Ameripen says its webinars have been designed for company decision makers who are “struggling to navigate packaging and labeling requirements.”
Recycling Today archives

Ameripen, an association comprised of consumer product brand owners and packaging providers, is organizing a series of three webinars titled “Understanding Packaging Claims and Labeling Requirements.”

The Massachusetts-based group is designed for company decision makers who are “struggling to navigate packaging and labeling requirements,” such as California’s SB 343, sometimes referred to as a “truth in labeling law.”

The first webinar in the series is Sept. 24, titled “Moving Target: The Fluctuation of Environmental Claims and Labeling Guidance.”

“We will highlight potential conflicts and contradictions within the regulatory frameworks and guide attendees through the substantiation requirements crucial for supporting and defending such claims, while evaluating their business impacts,” Ameripen says of what it intends to cover in the first webinar.

The webinar is being hosted by Sheila Millar, a Washington-based partner with the Keller and Heckman legal firm. SB 343 in California and potential Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Green Guides updates will be topics of discussion.

“Each session is designed to provide actionable insights and practical guidance, ensuring you are well prepared to address current and future challenges in packaging claims and labeling," Ameripen says of its webinar series. "Whether you’re involved in regulatory compliance, marketing or product development, this series offers valuable knowledge to help you navigate the evolving landscape with confidence.”

More information on the webinars, including how to register, can be found here.