Aaron Industries expands color capability

The company uses optical sorting to segregate postconsumer and postindustrial recycled flakes by color.

postconsumer plastic flakes and resins sorted by color

Photo courtesy of Aaron Industries

Aaron Industries has invested in optical sorting capability to provide a wider range of color possibilities, including light colors, for the postconsumer and postindustrial recycled resins it compounds.

The Leominster, Massachusetts-based company offers customized engineering services, including formulation development, material sampling, process development and validation. These services support the transition from virgin resin to recycled compounds.

Customer demand for a wider range of color possibilities prompted the investment in optical sorting, according to the company, which also notes increased demand for products made from recycled materials, particularly consumer products. Consumers often base purchasing decisions on color preferences, the company says, but blending various feedstock colors in recycled regrind typically results in black or gray hues.

Optical sorting technology identifies color variants within a batch of regrind and automatically separates materials based on groups of color. This enables Aaron Industries to process materials from specific batches of color, thereby producing a more accurate color compound, the company says. The new optical sorting technology allows for producing a spectrum of color compounds, including variations of red, blue, green, yellow, orange, white and even lighter shades. Although sorting is not always 100 percent accurate, and exact Pantones might not be achievable, the technology significantly broadens the color options available, Aaron Industries adds.

The minimum batch size for optical sorting at Aaron Industries is 1,000 pounds, with no maximum limit. Sorting rates can vary based on regrind size and the presence of fine dust or particles.

Color plays a significant role in consumer applications as it heavily influences buying preferences, according to the company. With the expanded color capabilities, Aaron Industries says it can cater to various industries where color is crucial for product appeal and functionality.

This technology supports Aaron Industries' sustainability goals and enables customers to meet their own sustainability objectives.