Nederman MikroPul’s FS Dust Collector with Secondary Filtration

Solutions for your industrial air filtration, dust collection and air pollution control needs.

Nederman MikroPul’s FS baghouse technology is the industry standard. The FS Dust Collector, with horizontally installed flat bags, provides pollution control in a compact and easy-to-install package, achieving low emissions, reducing carbon footprint, extending bag life and simplifying maintenance.

Investing in and adhering to proper safety measures, such as employing efficient dust collection systems like the FS Dust Collector, is not just a compliance issue but a critical responsibility for both worker safety and environmental protection when dealing with airborne contaminants.

To reduce the dust emission level well below 1mg/Nm3, a second filtration stage can be added on the FS Dust Collector. This filtration stage prevents emission peaks in case of leakage of the primary filtration stage. This stage is particularly important in case of air recirculation back to the building from the clean gas side of the filter.

FS Dust Collectors can efficiently capture and contain dust particles, improve air quality, reduce fire hazards, aide regulatory compliance and provide a safer environment for workers within industrial settings.

Nederman MikroPul is here to help provide further insights on how to elevate safety and compliance in all your operations.