July 2018 RT

Newsworthy: International, Legislation & Regulations
Newsworthy: Metals
Newsworthy: Municipal, IC&I
Newsworthy: Paper
Newsworthy: Plastics
Ferrous: Quiet trade routes
Nonferrous: Strong but not strong enough
Paper: Puzzling policies
Plastics: Still depressed
Datebook: Datebook
Personnel Notes: Personnel Notes
Equipment Report
Product Spotlight: Product Spotlight
Collection Corner: Collection Corner
Cover Story: The perplexing pace of policy changes
Safety Focus // Fire Prevention: Fighting the fire surge
Sorting Equipment Focus: Sorting it all out: Considerations for integrating optical sorters and robotics in a MRF
Sorting Equipment Focus: A helping hand
Transportation Focus: Jump-starting the trucking industry
WasteExpo Wrapup: Moving forward
BIR Convention Wrapup: 12 months of stormy weather