April 2021

Cover Profile: Pushing the limits
Aluminum Commodity Focus: Reversal of fortunes
Secure Destruction: Waiting for a wave
Brazil’s temperamental relationship with ferrous scrap
Largest Nonferrous Scrap Processors: Maintaining their luster
Transportation Focus: Striving for consistent, reliable and predictable rail service
Automotive Recycling: Buy wisely
Coronavirus: One Year Later: A long, strange trip
MRF Design: Keeping up with upgrades
Steel Industry Update: An upbeat start
Recycling Education: Keeping communities in the loop
Regulatory Update: Clearing the air, consistently
Legislation & Regulations: Environmental justice and its potential industry impact
Editor’s Letter: Replacing the roar with a whir
Newsworthy: Events
Newsworthy: Financial
Newsworthy: Metals
Newsworthy: Paper, International
Newsworthy: Plastics
Commodities | Ferrous: Volatility remains on the menu
Commodities Nonferrous: Rising prices and tightening supply
Commodities | Paper: No lack of demand
Commodities | Plastics: Still gaining
Personnel Notes: Personnel Notes
Equipment Report
Product Spotlight: Product Spotlight
Fresh Perspective: Fresh Perspective