Edward Kosior

Edward Kosior

Managing director of Nextek Ltd.

Edward Kosior’s expertise in the plastics recycling sector spans 46 years, split between 23 years as an academic and 23 years working in plastic packaging recycling. He has been instrumental in designing numerous modern recycling plants and has achieved a number of patented recycling breakthroughs. In 2004, Kosior founded U.K.-based Nextek Ltd. to provide consultancy services to assist in the strategic approaches to sustainable packaging, waste reduction and minimal life cycle impact. He is Nextek’s managing director and is involved with many industry associations, universities and research organizations and is a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineering and Fellow of the Institute of Materials, which awarded him the Prince Philip Medal for Polymers in the Service of Man in 2019. He can be contacted at edkosior@nextek.org.

Commentary: Recycling must be favored over waste to energy

Edward Kosior of Nextek Ltd. says we must embrace an EU directive’s goal for reaching climate neutrality in packaging.

Making a mark on polypropylene recycling

Fluorescent markers aid in recycling polypropylene.