U.S. Shredder Offers 6085 Replacement Rotors

Equipment firm says many shredder owners are asking for heavier, longer-life rotors for 6085 shredders.

The U.S. Shredder and Castings Group, Trussville, Ala., has announced that it is now offering a heavy-duty 6085 spider rotor for large shredders.

According to a U.S. Shredder press release, the rotor is 10 percent heavier than many OEM 6085 rotors. Additionally, the end disc and spiders are made of T-1 Type wear-resistant steel. Another advantage is that spiders are heat shrunk and keyed to the main shaft, which is made of forged and heat-treated alloy steel, according to the company. Tie rods use the SuperNut® system as well.
U.S. Shredder says it can supply castings for most 6085 rotors in the field today.
“Owners of these shredders have been asking us to design a heavier, longer-life rotor for many 6085 shredders,” says Bill Tigner, president of U.S. Shredder. “The features and specifications of this rotor meet that need along with an extremely competitive price.”  
The U.S. Shredder and Castings Group offers scrap shredders, control systems, downstream systems, nonferrous recovery, air systems, scrap shears, balers and loggers as well as shredder castings, service and consulting to the worldwide scrap industry.
More information is available at www.usshredder.com.
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