Tribogenics introduces hand-held XRF analyzer

Watson sells for less than $10,000 and features a new process to generate X-rays.

Tribogenics of Los Angeles says it has successfully commercialized the X-ray industry’s first hand-held XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectrometer using proprietary X-ray technology. The device, known as Watson, will sell for $9,999.   

Unlike traditional hand-held XRF analyzers that use bulky, expensive high-voltage transformers to generate X-rays, Watson uses a process similar to static electricity, the triboelectric effect, to generate X-rays, the company says. The technology was developed in collaboration with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). According to Tribogenics, the process has enabled it to produce a new family of high-performing, hand-held XRF spectrometers at a fraction of the cost.

Watson identifies, analyzes and tests a broad range of metals and alloys for positive materials identification (PMI), scrap metal recycling, quality assurance and quality control for metal fabrication, machining and manufacturing. As the technology evolves, Tribogenics says it will feature more powerful X-ray sources to serve new multibillion-dollar markets, including precious metals, rare earth elements, mining and oil and gas.

“Our close collaboration with top physicists and scientists at UCLA and the work of our own highly talented engineering and research staff has been instrumental in driving our first commercial Watson XRF products to market,” says Dale Fox, Tribogenics CEO.

Fox adds, “Watson XRF will expand the hand-held marketplace, offer superior value to existing customers while enabling thousands of new customers to gain significant competitive and productivity advantages offered by this breakthrough technology.”

Mark Valentine, chief operating officer and vice president of worldwide sales, says, “Future generations of Watson XRF spectrometers could provide substantial value beyond the current application focus, including mining, geology, site analysis and extraction, industrial minerals evaluation, oil and gas. For now, though, the feedback from the field has been highly positive as customers quickly recognize the technological advantages of the Watson XRF spectrometers and the immediate ROI (return on investment) these products offer.”

Each Watson XRF hand-held unit comes with an industry first, field-exchangeable source cartridge, the company says. When customers need to change the source cartridge, they simply switch it out in the field or in the lab. Once exchanged, Watson performs an automatic internal calibration, Tribogenics says, so there is no downtime.

Watson XRF units are $9,999 and be reserved by emailing, calling 855-972-9123 or visiting