The numbers

A compilation of metals pricing and producer price indices for paper and plastics

RMDAS SHREDDED SCRAP PRICING: Reported United States aggregated spot market prices per gross ton shown for each commodity are based on all Management Science Associates’ (MSA) Raw Material Data Aggregation Service (RMDAS) participants’ actual order data submitted to and processed by MSA as of the 20th of each respective “buy month,” rounded to the whole integer. A map of RMDAS regions is available at, as is a further explanation of RMDAS methodology and an accompanying disclaimer. No. 2 shredded scrap is defined as containing 0.17 percent or greater copper content. Additional pricing information on each grade can be found at © 2016 Management Science Associates Inc. All rights reserved. RMDAS is a trademark of Management Science Associates Inc.

LME PRICING: Average monthly settlement price, cash buyer; U.S. dollars per tonne. Historical pricing for commodities traded on the LME is available for purchase through the LME Web site at Source: London Metal Exchange,

*Index is based on 1982 average prices as 100, not seasonally adjusted. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

#Index is based on December 1980 average price as 100. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics