Texas Agency Providing Free Computer Recycling Info

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has launched a statewide program Web site for recycling computer equipment, TexasRecyclesComputers.org. The site provides a simple way to find the recycling options their computer manufacturers offer.

"The goal of the program is to give Texans an easy way to recycle the used computer equipment they have been storing in their closets and garages for years," said Mark Vickery, TCEQ’s executive director. "The most effective way to reduce the environmental impact of computer equipment is to help ensure it is reused or recycled."

The program, created by House Bill 2714 in the 80th Legislative session, requires computer manufactures that sell in Texas, to offer consumers convenient, free recycling on their brands of computer equipment. Program details, and information on how Texans can recycle certain used computer equipment, as well as a list of manufacturers and their recycling programs will be available on TexasRecyclesComputers.org.

September 2008
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