PRISM Update

ARMA International Joins Joint European Conference

PRISM International and NAID Europe have been partnering on a Joint European Conference since 2008. This event has been a great opportunity for attendees to receive education on records and information management topics and also on secure destruction issues. For the upcoming conference in London, Nov. 7-9, at the Hilton London Metropole, a third sponsoring organization has been added: ARMA International, whose members specialize in records and information management as practitioners.

The addition provides an opportunity for attendees to interact with potential customers, to gain valuable customer perspectives on issues of concern to records and information managers and to attend educational sessions sponsored by ARMA International experts on practitioners' issues.

This year's conference includes three speakers who play a key role in developing and implementing data protection and data retention policies in the European Union. The Right Honorable Lord McNally is the minister of state and deputy leader of the House of Lords. He is a strong advocate of privacy rights in the U.K. and throughout Europe. Also of considerable influence is E.U. Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx, who is charged with ensuring and maintaining the privacy rights of individuals. In his conference address, Hustinx focuses on the responsibilities of data controllers and data-related service providers. Christian D'Cuhna, European Commission desk officer for the Data Retention Directive provides insight as to opposition to the renewal of the Data Retention Directive among some E.U. member states.

This conference provides an amazing opportunity to gain a global perspective on information management and secure destruction issues. For more information, please visit


Jim Booth is executive director PRISM International, Garner, N.C., and can be reached at