Digital Security

LifeSpan Achieves E-Stewards Certification at Four Sites
The IT asset disposition firm LifeSpan, based in Newton, Mass., has announced that its facilities in Denver; Tampa, Fla.; Omaha, Neb.; and San Diego have achieved e-Stewards certification.

LifeSpan says it chose to pursue e-Stewards certification because customers recognize the importance of environmental stewardship and rely on third-party certifications to assure that their information technology asset disposition (ITAD) vendors meet the highest standards.

The company also holds the R2/RIOS (Responsible Recycling Practices/Recycling Industry Operating Standard), ISO 14001 and NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) AAA certifications.

LifeSpan services large, multilocation, national enterprises, such as financial institutions, retailers, defense contractors and health care companies.

“E-Stewards is a market-driven and a market-leading standard for electronics recycling,” says Dag Adamson, president and founder of LifeSpan. “With the help from the e-Stewards Enterprise program, our customers encouraged us to round out our certification portfolio. We are now among the select few companies in the ITAD industry that has proof of our depth in compliance and sustainability while at the same time driving the best value for our customers.”

ECOvanta Achieves E-Stewards Certification

ECOvanta, the recycling subsidiary of Covanta, has been certified to the e-Stewards Standard for Responsible Recycling and Reuse of Electronic Equipment, developed by the Basel Action Network (BAN), Seattle. ECOvanta, located in Philadelphia, recycles electronic scrap. The facility serves customers throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, New York/New Jersey and New England.

E-Stewards is a global certification program designed to enable individuals and organizations to identify electronic scrap recyclers, asset recovery companies, processors and others that adhere to the e-Stewards Standard for Responsible Recycling and Reuse of Electronic Equipment, which includes best practices for data security, environmental management and worker health and safety. According to BAN, recyclers who have achieved e-Stewards certification pledge to process all electronic scrap in developed countries, do not use municipal solid waste facilities and do not use prison labor operations.

ECOvanta’s facility processes electronic scrap, including computers, monitors, mobile phones, printers and televisions. The facility manages end-of-life electronics using a combination of manual disassembly and an automated shredding system to separate materials into commodities for recycling. ECOvanta also offers secure destruction services.

In addition to e-Stewards certification, ECOvanta’s Philadelphia plant has received Responsible Recycling Practices (R2) and ISO 14001:2004 certifications.