Addendum: Getting personal with Willie Geiser

Willie Geiser, president and CEO of Allshred Services, Toledo, Ohio.

1. If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be and why?

The Tuscany region of Italy. I went a few years ago and loved it so much I can’t wait to go back. There are so many neat little villages and towns, each with their own stories to tell about their roles in Italian history. And the food, wine and scenery were unparalleled.

2. What is your favorite cause or charity?

My church. I’m on the committee that plans and conducts the praise services. Selecting videos, working on the music and putting together the services inspire me all week long.

3. What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love playing golf and tennis, running, traveling, eating good food, reading books and spending time with my family, among other things. I enjoy doing a lot of different things—life doesn’t get boring when you have a lot of interests.

4. What book (fiction or nonfiction) has stayed with you?

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, by Napoleon Hill. If you have a positive mental attitude, there is nothing in life that you can’t handle.

5. If you could change a past decision what would that be?

I’m not sure I’d change anything. I’ve had a good life, and things have usually worked out for the better. Even the things that I thought were bad always ended up leading to good things. So, I guess life is what you make of it.

6. If you had to choose a different career what would it be?

I always wanted to be an NFL football player. But since I don’t have the size, strength, speed or talent, I guess I’m OK doing what I’m doing.

7. What do you do to maintain balance between life and work?

I like to spend as much of my time with my family as possible. They keep you grounded in the important things in life. The stuff at work? It’ll be there on Monday.

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