Santa Fe, New Mexico, receives grant from The Recycling Partnership

Grant will help the city distribute recycling carts to 29,000 households

The Recycling Partnership, Falls Church, Virginia, has awarded a grant for residential recycling carts to the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Santa Fe joins six previous communities that have received cart grants from The Recycling Partnership, including Richmond, Virginia, and Columbia, South Carolina. Santa Fe also will receive assistance with a customized public education campaign and with technical planning to support the cart deliveries to its 29,000 households.

“We enjoy working with our partner cities to achieve a comprehensive and low stress cart rollout,” says Recycling Partnership Technical Assistance Director Cody Marshall. “We help establish a workable timeline, trouble-shoot problems and ensure that both the education and the operations sides are working together to give the program the best possible start.”

Santa Fe says it anticipates that cart distribution will take place in the late fall of 2016. 

“I am excited to work with The Recycling Partnership as we implement the new cart-based curbside recycling program,” says Shirlene Sitton, Environmental Services Division director for the city of Santa Fe. “We appreciate the grant and technical assistance offered for the key factors in assuring a successful transition to recycling carts. Santa Fe residents will receive the benefits of increased convenience and larger capacity when changing from bins to recycling carts; this also allows the city to utilize automated collection trucks to empty the carts, which greatly improves worker safety and collection efficiency.”

The Recycling Partnership is assisting 72 communities, reaching a total of 1.2 million households. Santa Fe is the final engagement from The Recycling Partnership’s 2015 grant round, and this announcement comes on the heels of the 2016 grant round, which opened earlier this month. The new Request for Proposals for cart and education grants is available at  

“We are proud to work in Santa Fe to advance recycling, and we look forward to celebrating a successful cart distribution with the city of Santa Fe staff and leadership,” says Recycling Partnership Executive Director Keefe Harrison. “This announcement gets 2016 off to a great start!”