Q & A with Robert Warshauer

Robert Warshauer steps into the role of president and CEO of Securit following the sudden death of company founder Greg Brophy.

The accidental death of Securit founder, CEO and President Greg Brophy in a plane crash in September left a significant void in the organization. Recently, Securit announced the appointment of Robert Warshauer as president and CEO.

The relative newcomer to the information security industry has 25 years of experience in the business world, including serving as an advisor to various firms’ boards of directors and management teams, where he helped to develop short- and long-term operational and financial strategies. He has worked in many industries, including airlines, retail, manufacturing, distribution, technology and telecommunications.

"It is my intention to carry on Greg Brophy’s vision of building a world leading information security company," Warshauer says.

Although Warshauer does not have an extensive background in the information security industry, he says the values espoused by Securit are closely aligned with his. "I, too, believe that teamwork, innovation, integrity and respect are critical to both personal and professional success."

In accordance with Brophy’s growth strategy, Securit plans to continue to develop strategies that are aligned with its customers’ needs. To do this, Warshauer says Securit will continue to invest in the company, leading the market in innovative information security ideas.

Warshauer spent a few minutes talking to Secure Destruction Business’s Dan Sandoval about where he hopes to take the company during his tenure with Securit.

Question: Is Securit looking to focus more energy on non-fiber information?

Answer: While the company has the reputation of being primarily a paper document destruction company, we are more than that. We shred all medium and product, including banking bags, casino chips, hard drives and CDs.

Five years ago, when we expanded our service line from shredding into a complete suite of information security services, it was based on our customers’ needs.

The new services include solutions for how the paper and information is handled and maintained through file management, electronic access, storage and finally disposition. Opportunities also include records management, media vaults, on-line records management, disaster recovery systems and active file management.

Question: Where are the growth opportunities for Securit going forward?

Answer: Growth is based on our customers’ requirements. We will continue to develop services that align with the needs of our customers. Our clients have a greater need for security and access to information as they become more aware of the value of their information and the risk it presents to them if placed in the wrong hands. The market opportunities are tremendous. A vast majority of companies have yet to take advantage of the business. Our challenge is to show customers the value that we provide. The risk of [improperly] disposing of documents is huge.

Question: Will there be a re-examination of the franchise opportunities for the company?

Answer: We have a strong presence in North America, so we are now exploring opportunities for selling franchises in other parts of the world. Europe is a great opportunity. We expect that to continue. In North America, many franchise owners are looking for an exit strategy. It makes sense to buy them back, and we will continue to do that.

Question: Price erosion is a major issue for many companies. How does Securit combat price erosion in the marketplace?

Answer: You can’t put a price on security and peace of mind. Securit offers superior value by providing a premium service. Our credentials are based on providing a consistently superior service that is security based, consistent, secure and dependable. After 19 successful years in business, Shred-it has established strong brand equity. Security is our foremost priority. We plan to leverage that solid reputation for Securit in providing seamless information security solutions to our customers.

Question: Securit also recently established a board of directors. What role will that play with Securit?

Answer: The board of directors will continue to oversee the management of the company and provide guidance to the organization as it has done as advisors to the company for the last 10 years.

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