Product spotlight

New and updated products for the recycling industry

ToterTrax RFID-based assembly and delivery service

Toter, Charlotte, North Carolina, has launched ToterTrax, its integrated radio-frequency identification- (RFID-) based assembly and delivery (A&D) service. It features:

  • a proprietary app to read an RFID tag, automatically providing real-time data, including delivery confirmation, time stamp and geo-coordinates, to a centralized server
  • immediate verification and release of information to cart delivery crews and to the municipality or hauler via the portal
  • an offline mode ensures accuracy by forcing a portal validation as soon as the user is back in Wi-Fi or cell range

Visit for more information.

Machinex two-ram baler series

The high-speed, two-ram baler series from Machinex, Plessiville, Quebec, has been designed to maximize density while reducing operating costs, according to the manufacturer. The series features:

  • a prefill device that increases main ram cycle speed in both forward and reverse modes
  • a significant reduction in energy consumption
  • bolt-on liners for ease of maintenance
  • single-plate frame construction to provide overall maximum structural stability

Visit for more information.

BPS RecoverMax Fines Process

Best Process Solutions Inc. (BPS), Brunswick, Ohio, has introduced its RecoverMax Fines Process. According to BPS, the process features:

  • the ability to recover pieces of metal greater than 1 millimeter in size
  • the patent pending RecoverMax Separator, which separates metal from glass and rock at a purity of more than 98 percent
  • once metals are recovered, the system completes the final step to separate the high-copper zorba into a 90-plus copper and precious metals fraction

Visit for more information.

Moley Magnetics down-stroke balers

This line of vertical balers from Moley Magnetics, headquartered in Lockport, New York, is capable of compacting paper, cardboard, plastics, various types of packaging and plastic bottles, according to the company. Features include:

  • suitable for additional materials, including aluminum cans; tires, bumpers and tanks from scrapped vehicles; as well as polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles
  • a tying and ejection system
  • manual compaction cycle models can be fitted for automatic compaction cycling
  • available in five sizes
  • bale weight limits ranging from 66 pounds to 1,323 pounds

Visit for more information.

To have your product featured, please send a press release and photo to Megan Workman at

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