Product spotlight

New and updated products for the recycling industry.

ZenRobotics 4.0 robotic sorters

Photo courtesy of ZenRobotics

ZenRobotics, a Finland-based business unit of Terex Corp., Norwalk, Connecticut, has introduced ZenRobotics 4.0, its fourth generation of robotic sorters with new features and upgraded artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize and improve the efficiency of material sorting operations. The fourth generation sorters:

  • are available on the Heavy Picker 4.0, a multipurpose sorting robot for bulky material, and the Fast Picker 4.0, a high-speed robot ideal for lightweight material
  • offer a compact individual recognition system (ZenBrain) to enhance precision and increase efficiency by 60 to 100 percent on the Heavy Picker 4.0
  • enable the Heavy Picker 4.0 to use upgraded AI technology with an advanced global recognition database that helps the robots identify more than 500 material categories
  • allow the Fast Picker 4.0 to couple AI software with high-speed picking at a rate of up to 80 picks per minute
  • include adjustable widths and a gantry design for seamless integration into various picking stations with the Fast Picker 4.0, which reaches the full width of the whole conveyor belt

Click here for more information.

Tomra GainNext

Photo courtesy of Tomra Recycling

The Tomra Recycling business unit of Norway-based Tomra ASA has launched GainNext, an AI-based sorting add-on for its Autosort units used for separating food-grade from nonfood-grade plastics. GainNext:

  • uses deep learning to quickly and efficiently separate plastics, including polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene and high-density polyethylene, on a large scale
  • can classify material based on sensor data when combined with AutoSort technology
  • provides object recognition using a red-green-blue camera to separate materials with high purity levels without compromising throughput speed when combined with AutoSort
  • can help create a pure recyclable PET fraction by removing difficult-to-detect plastic contaminants, such as multilayer packaging, to create a clean PET bottle stream
  • features a PET cleaner application that also targets the separation of white opaque PET from clear and light blue PET

Click here for more information.

SciAps Z-70 LIBS analyzers

Photo courtesy of SciAps

Woburn, Massachusetts-based instrumentation company SciAps has introduced its Z-70 LIBS hand-held analyzer, which it says provides fast and precise sorting of metal scrap. The Z-70 LIBS analyzer:

  • uses a powerful milli-Joule laser that can test dirty, oxidized, anodized and painted samples, eliminating the need to grind each piece of material before testing
  • makes sorting more efficient by blasting through most surface contamination
  • features an air pump that keeps dust away from the quartz window, allowing the spectrometer to analyze the emitted light properly and reducing the need for maintenance
  • allows users to customize the grade library to their material ID testing program
  • provides results that are accurate and repeatable, including for difficult aluminum grade alloys such as 7050 and 7075

Click here for more information.

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