Pacific Steel & Recycling to Build Montana's First Auto Shredder

Company hopes to have new auto shredder operational by the middle of next year.

Pacific Steel's Boise, Idaho, auto shredder

The board of directors for Pacific Steel & Recycling has approved funding to build an auto shredder at the company’s newly opened facility in Lockwood, Mont. The shredder will be the first auto shredder in Montana.

Patrick Kons, vice president of scrap operations for Pacific Steel, says the company expects to invest around $20 million on the new facility, which will include a downstream system by Steinert. The shredder will be a 3,000 hp Metso 80-inch system, similar in size to the company’s other auto shredder in Boise, Idaho.

The shredder will be used to shred vehicles, appliances and other light metals that have been baled at the company’s branch locations, tearing bales apart and completely sorting the materials by content. 

The facility will be serviced by the short line Montana Rail Link.

Pacific has engineered and designed the facility to meet and exceed all Montana Department of Environmental Quality and other environmental requirements both during construction and when it goes into operation.