Oakleaf Waste Management Relocating Headquarters

The state of Connecticut is expected to provide $3 million in grant money to assist in the move.

Oakleaf Waste Management will be relocating its corporate headquarters to Windsor, Ct., although the move will only be around 10 miles from its present location in East Hartford, Ct. To assist in the relocation efforts, which are expected to take place by either the end of this year or early next year, Connecticut Governor Jody Rell has requested $3 million in grant money. The state’s Bond Commission will vote on the grant at their next meeting, July 13.

While it is not official, the Bond Commission is expected to authorize the grant money.

Marc Okrant, VP of Marketing for Oakleaf, says that the new location will allow the company to improve and maximize its operations, while keeping the close to 400 employees on one floor. As part of the grant, the company will be adding another 40 employees at its corporate headquarters.

The company, founded in 1995, has grown significantly since its start. The company works with many of the largest corporations to help them reduce their waste management costs. The company also contracts with around 5,000 haulers throughout North America to service its customers.

“We are grateful for the state’s continued support of our company,” Okrant says.