
Trex Co. Named on Forbes List

Trex Co., Winchester, Va., has been ranked number one in the Forbes annual list of 200 Best Small Companies in America. “We are very pleased to be identified by Forbes as a ‘time-tested winner,’” says Robert Matheny, president. “Our strategy is to build a national brand in what is currently a commodity decking market.”

Criteria for making the list include five year sales and earning per share growth rates of at least 5% and net income must have topped $1 million during the past four quarters. Trex’s past 12-month sales growth was reported as 77% and EPS at 57%, according to Forbes.

Trex decking combines wood waste fibers and reclaimed PET.

Roundtable Addresses Plastics Recycling Needs

The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP), Bellwood, Pa., held a roundtable to address several concerns of plastics recyclers operating in that state. The June roundtable was held at Harrisburg Area Com-munity College and included panelists Steve Babinchak of St. Jude Polymer, Gerald Claes of Graham Packaging, NAPCOR’s Michael Schedler and Centre County’s Joanne Shafer.

The panel agreed the increasing number of applications plastic is being used in makes it more difficult to recycle the material and to educate the public. Challenges the group agreed need to be addressed include:

  • Finding methods to collect more packaging from products consumed away from home.
  • A greater need for public education, specifically concerning non-container PET recycling.
  • Improving end markets for colored PET.

    Babinchak said PVC is a big concern for plastics recyclers because it is difficult to detect and remove from PET bales. Panelists also said the rising amounts of amber PET could result in higher value in the future. A main point gained from the roundtable was a feeling that the plastic industry is in a constant state of change and development. Both public and professional education are needed to optimize the quality and quantity of collected PET.

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