MRF modernization projects

Dedicated and future-proof sorting machines by Pellenc ST.

Ever-changing needs

Faced with the increasing volume and complexity of waste streams, material recovery facilities (MRFs) must modernize and equip themselves with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure their industrial performance. Operators also are increasing demands for sorting quality. Innovation is taking on a central role in the strategies of the recycling industry.

For Pellenc ST, the challenge is to provide sustainable solutions that meet the new recycling industry standards. Today’s MRF operator wants to invest in upgradable equipment and reduce reliance on manual sortation. Operators also require access to valuable data that helps them to reduce downtime and increase quality and performance.

Case study

Pellenc ST recently provided solutions to modernize a MRF in the Philadelphia area to improve the availability and the quality of sorting. Pellenc ST partnered with Van Dyk Recycling Solutions, Norwalk, Connecticut, on these upgrades at the Philadelphia-area MRF.

This isn’t the first time that Pellenc ST and Van Dyk have worked together—the companies have partnered on projects at MRFs since 2019. “It’s a good fit as Van Dyk provides an excellent plant building/integration solution, and we have a class-leading optical sorter,” says Harry White, business unit manager at Pellenc ST. “It makes for a good partnership and the customer gets the best solution for their needs.”

The company replaced three older generation Pellenc machines with its newest generation of machines. The company also added a fourth optical sorter to reduce losses and enable the MRF to recover polypropylene (PP). In all, four machines are in operation to sort five fractions of plastics (polyethylene terephthalate, both natural and colored high-density polyethylene, PP and mixed plastics). These upgrades improved sorting performance and increased the reliability and uptime of the machines.

This project was successful thanks to the strong partnership with Van Dyk, but also because Pellenc ST solutions were designed to meet the MRF’s needs: sorting performances, equipment scalability and 4.0 services.

Harry White, business unit manager at Pellenc ST

Pellenc ST solutions

Mistral+ CONNECT and COMPACT+ are the two sorting solutions designed to help operators modernize their sorting centers.

Mistral+ CONNECT is an all-in-one solution and is TÜV Rheinland certified. It combines a rapid conveyor belt with a detection system and an output box. Designed as a complete ergonomic system, the machine offers safe and easy access to operators. Equipped with the latest generation detection technologies, it stands out thanks to its sorting performance. The new “FLOW Detection” system combines a new spectrometer covering an extended NIR/VIS spectrum, as well as focused lighting.

The COMPACT+ was specifically designed for complex integrations and upgrade projects. It shares the latest advanced sorting technology with the Mistral+ CONNECT, giving the same high levels of performance. It is particularly suited to installations where space and access are limited. With the option of offsetting the control cabinet and the ability for modular assembly of the machines on-site, the COMPACT+ is the ideal solution for a quick and easy retrofit.

Both the Mistral+ CONNECT and COMPACT+ benefit from the CNS “Central Nervous System” software platform. Operators will be able to integrate future technologies such as the IIoT, Watermarking and Artificial Intelligence in the form of upgrades. “So, if in two years we come out with a new technology, the customer can simply upgrade their current machine, rather than purchasing a completely new technology,” White says.

Data are now part of MRFs’ performances. That is why Pellenc ST offers local and personalized support through a 24/7 turnkey service, including wear parts and the Smart&Share application. This tool continuously analyzes optical sorters and provides intelligent alerts and customized reports for better availability and sorting quality.

Sized to address large projects

With more than 50 percent growth in 2022 and 2,000 machines installed 40 countries, Pellenc ST decided to invest in new infrastructures. Pellenc ST now has a brand new Production Center that doubles its capacity.

With its new Test Center, located in Pineville, North Carolina, Pellenc ST America provides its customers with a 560-square-meter industrial demonstrator site with the latest intelligent sorting equipment.

“Thanks to this new scale and strong relationship with major integrators and key players, Pellenc ST is now able to address the MRFs’ growing needs for sorting solutions and can achieve large projects with several dozens of sorting machines,” White says.

March 2023
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