ISA Announces Expansion and Improvements

Move will give company space to install auto shredder.

Industrial Services of America is set to break ground on an auto shredder at its Louisville, Ky., scrap facility. The final hurdle to build the shredder was a unanimous vote by the Louisville Metro City Council, which approved a change in the zoning to allow the company to build the shredder.

Brian Donaghy, president and COO for ISA, says the construction on the project began earlier this summer, and the shredder is being installed by Sept. 8. Donaghy expects the auto shredder to be operational by the first of next year.

The shredder being installed is a3,000 horsepower 8104 system manufactured by The Shredder Co. The downstream nonferrous system is being provided by SGM.

Along with the installation of the auto shredder the company will be upgrading  much of the yard, as well as adding roads and scales to handle the increased volume of material that will e coming into the yard, Donaghy adds.

Some opponents of the shredder noted that the shredder could create concerns about planes landing at a nearby airport. However, Donaghy scoffed at the allegations, noting that the covering was being done to reduce the chance of any injury to an employee caused by shrapnel from the shredder.

The company initially approved the installation of the auto shredder last June, and allocated $5 million for the purchase and ancillary improvements.

The vote by the Metro Louisville City Council followed a recommendation made by the city’s planning mission in changing the zoning from EZ-1 to M-3 for three of the four adjacent parcels that make up the development site. To view the staff report click on the following link -- Metro Louisville Planning Staff Report

The planning commission also recommended a variance too permit part of the shredder to exceed the maximum permitted height and a waiver is requested to permit existing parking spaces to encroach into a required vehicular use buffer.

As part of the plan to expand the company's operations to include the shredder, ISA purchased the former Allied System truck terminal in Louisville.

The 20,182 square foot facility will be occupied by ISA Logistics and Waste Equipment Sales and Service Company, relocating from the main Louisville location, creating room for shredder and related maintenance equipment.

ISA will be widening Grade Lane to three lanes along its property, allowing traffic to move more freely and safely. The road improvements will accommodate the growth of ISA from the $10 million shredder project.

ISA's new geographical expansion includes two recycling facilities in New Albany and Seymour, Indiana. "ISA is always looking for strategic expansion locations to feed our new shredder and main Louisville operation," said Brian Donaghy, president. "The new premier property purchase on Grade Lane and the widening will be great for our growth from the new shredder."

September 2008
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