
Recent news from the various sectors of the recycling industry

Strategic Materials to handle glass recycling in Houston

The city of Houston has announced a partnership with the glass recycling company Strategic Materials Inc., headquartered in the city, to handle glass generated by city residents. The agreement follows Waste Management’s (WM’s) decision earlier this year to remove glass from its citywide recycling program.

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Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner says, “Since the removal of glass from the city’s single-stream recycling program earlier this year, we have been working to find ways for residents to conveniently continue to recycle glass. I want to thank Strategic Materials for stepping up to the plate to provide a workable solution.”

The city’s move to partner with Strategic Materials comes after WM renegotiated its contract with the city in light of low prices for recyclables. The renegotiations included removing glass from the recyclables WM collects.

Initially, Strategic Materials says it will work with industry partners and local communities to cover the cost of purchasing and servicing glass recycling boxes at 10 locations throughout the city with the longer-term goal of expanding the program. Eight locations were finalized as of the end of June. The Houston Solid Waste Management Department will send out notices when the last two locations are added.

Houston currently has nine drop-off locations that accept glass as well as other recyclables.

“We are fortunate to be supported by the mayor and the city in the pursuit to further support glass recycling,” says Strategic Materials CEO Denis Suggs. “We hope to identify additional partners within the community and our customer base to grow the recycling locations in the upcoming weeks and months. Our innate desire to preserve our environment and keep our city clean brings us together in a meaningful way to support glass recycling in Houston.”

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