Feeling The Burn

Pulp and paper mills can put their scrap wood to use as feedstock to produce biofuel.

Public awareness that gasoline prices in the U.S. could reach $5 per gallon in the near future has renewed political interest in biofuels and re-energized the debate about what should be done to offset these price increases.

It is true that increased U.S. production of biofuels, such as corn ethanol and biodiesel, has contributed to inflated commodity prices and prices for fertilizer, animal feed and food. At the same time, environmental concerns and related legislation have increased demand for biofuels. Specifically, legislative mandates in several states require a phase-out of MBTE (the fuel additive methyl tertiary-butyl ether) used in motor gasoline, and demand for ethanol is increasing because it is being used in MBTE’s place.

On a worldwide basis, although the percentage of biofuels being used is small when compared to fossil fuels, the amount of biofuels being used is significant. Biofuels now account for less than 2 percent of liquid transport fuels, but they contribute an equivalent of 1 million barrels per day to world supplies. And biofuels are now being used to supply 30 percent of increased transportation fuels demand. In the United States, corn ethanol is meeting 99 percent of biofuels needs.

In recognizing the need for increasing the United States’ use of renewable fuels, in late 2007 Congress approved the Energy Independence and Securities Act (EISA). Among other provisions, the EISA established "renewable fuels standards," mandating U.S. production of 36 billion gallons per year of renewable fuels in 15 years. But the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Agency (EIA) predicts that current corn ethanol production of 9 billion gallons per year cannot be increased above 15 billion gallons, and it will take 10 years to reach that level. Second-generation cellulosic biofuels are expected to fill the 21 billion-gallon shortfall built into the mandate by 2022, 16 billion gallons of which are expected to be in the form of cellulosic ethanol.

A March 17, 2008, article appearing in the Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ), argues that EISA’s mandate will in all likelihood not be met, as it presumes that the private sector will invest $80 billion throughout the next 15 years to build an equivalent of 291 large ethanol plants that will be needed to meet the 16 billion-gallon-per-year cellulosic ethanol mandate.


Collaborative Process

A number of pulp and paper companies are known to be teaming with companies in the oil industry to develop biofuels capability.

Weyerhauser, Federal Way, Wash., has recently announced its plans to team with Chevron to develop proprietary processes for producing second-generation advanced biofuels using cellulosic biomass obtained from the company’s vast forest holdings.

Georgia Pacific, based in Atlanta, is also known to be actively working to build second-generation biofuels capability. Its parent, Koch Industries, Wichita, Kan., has subsidiaries that refine oil and market petroleum products, and it is logical to assume that collaboration between Georgia Pacific, its parent and other subsidiaries is taking place. It is also known that

AbitibiBowater, based in Montreal, is exploring its biofuels options, as it needs to develop value streams that are better than those from the sale of newsprint. It is not known if the company is collaborating with the oil industry at this time.

Clearly, petroleum products refiners have the attributes for becoming “affinity investors” in cellulosic ethanol plant joint ventures.

Refiners run continuous processes, they handle volatile fuels, they market and distribute motor fuels and they have an increasing need for ethanol in making E10 and E 85. Likewise, major distributors and marketers of motor fuel have the experience in handling volatile fuels and in blending and distributing E10 and E85, as well as a need for large quantities of ethanol.

These companies often have the resources to provide much of the equity and co-guarantee much of the debt that will be required.

They all are all looking for reliable sources of ethanol at stable prices. They are always seeking investment opportunities that offer high rates of return and shared risk.

Participating in cellulosic ethanol projects with the paper industry should satisfy these needs. In addition these companies employ personnel with the skill sets that could be of value to mill owners who are embarking on cellulosic ethanol projects.

In a follow-up article to appear in OGJ’s June 2, 2008, issue, a case is made for having the pulp and paper industry participate in cellulosic ethanol plant projects, using untapped wood scrap as the feedstock.


One of the major concerns is that second-generation biofuels produced from wood debris remain relatively costly. However, in the May 1, 2008, edition of Renewable Energy World in an article titled "Biofuels: the Good, the Bad and the Unusual," Dr. Ralph Sims of IEA concludes that "…major deployment of commercially viable second-generation biofuels (technology) may be just a few years off."

Sim’s conclusion is consistent with our own findings in a study we undertook for a proposed cellulosic ethanol plant, where two such technology providers had processes that were being successfully built to commercial scale.

Our firm had previously been engaged in evaluating biofuels project proposals and performing due diligence reviews of business plans being used to obtain funding. In almost every biofuels engagement in which we were involved, we found that these projects all had fatal flaws that could not be remedied easily in a timely way. As a consequence, we undertook an initiative to develop a biofuels project that could prove to be technically and financially viable. Our basic research indicated that we should concentrate our efforts on defining wood debris to ethanol projects, focusing on the Southeast to attract participation from among the many pulp and paper mills that operate in that region.

The following arguments were presented to interest mill managers in this region and, ultimately, mill owners:

• Cellulosic ethanol plants are being built that are technically and economically viable.

• Cellulosic ethanol plant development in the Southeast ought to be a priority, because such plants would be strategically located to best serve the fast emerging increases in ethanol demand in PADD 1 (Petroleum Administration for Defense District 1 – East Coast) markets.

• Wood scrap is readily available to most mills in the Southeast, and mills have the infrastructure for obtaining, pre-processing and storing such material.

• Partial integration of cellulosic ethanol plants with pulp and paper mills offers synergies that will reduce ethanol production costs while providing a new value stream for many mills.

• Oil industry participation in these projects could reduce investment requirements of mill owners and spread the risk, while offering oil companies opportunities for obtaining stable ethanol supplies and price certainty in acquiring such supplies.

The presentation of these arguments was instrumental in getting the go-ahead from one mill manager to conduct a pre-feasibility study. This study was to provide sufficient information for determining whether participation in a cellulosic ethanol project could generate a high enough "value stream" to be of interest to mill owners. The study was also to consider whether it would be financially feasible for the mill to obtain a sufficient share of project cash flows with little up-front investment. This was a tall order, but we agreed to conduct the study.

It was then agreed that this pre-feasibility study would provide information and analysis to demonstrate that:

1. A ready and growing market for fuel ethanol exits, and prices paid would continue to rise, providing excellent margin opportunities for converting wood debris into ethanol.

2. A supply of wood debris is being used in the mill as a boiler fuel that could be diverted to producing ethanol. Additionally, abundant, untapped sources of scrap wood are available near the mill that could also be used for producing cellulosic ethanol.

3. A ready market exists for all of the cellulosic ethanol that the proposed plant could produce.

4. The proposed cellulosic ethanol technology to be used is on the cusp of achieving commercial viability and would be available under license.

5. Synergies associated with partial integration of the mill to the proposed cellulosic ethanol plant would offer significant financial benefits to the resident plant as well as the host mill.

6. New government programs could offer a source of low-cost debt to mill owners and significant financial support to scrap wood sub-contractors.

7. Wood debris to be obtained would be a cost effective feedstock.

8. Participation in this cellulosic ethanol project by the mill may be critical to its survival.

9. The mill can afford to participate in this project with a small investment and at little risk if it partners with affinity investors from the oil industry.

10. Many leading companies in the U.S. paper industry are pursuing strategies for participating in biofuels, and those that are not may become less competitive.


Capacities and Costs of Ethanol Plants of Three Sizes

 Feedstock Capacity (dTPY)             
Small                          500
Mid-Sized                 1,000
Large                        2,500

Ethanol Output (mmGPY)                
Small                      10.8  
Mid-Sized                22.1
Large                       55.2

Capital Cost ($mm)                     
Small                85
Mid-Sized        142
Large               275

Capital Cost/Gallon                    
Small             7.88
Mid-Sized       6.41
Large             4.99

The major finding of this study was the indication that a new significant value stream could be generated for the host mill if the proposed project were to be undertaken. A number of prerequisites justified considering this project. The mill was near a port with rail access, close to abundant untapped supplies of scrap wood and strategic to serving PADD 1 markets using cheap modes of transportation. The mill site was big enough to accommodate an ethanol plant. Mill owners indicated they could "guarantee" additional environmental permitting needed could be obtained without undue delay. The mill had excess boiler capacity to supply the steam requirements of the ethanol plant. Additionally, the mill could provide the ethanol plant’s waste treatment, water and power needs at little or no cost. The mill’s wood procurement department was willing and capable of obtaining wood waste for the ethanol plant and could guarantee a waste stream of at least 1,000 dry tons per day. The mill’s owners were willing to consider making a $1 million investment in infrastructure upgrades to support the "partial integration." They also were willing to provide partial integration support during a five-year period in return for approximately 25 percent equity in the ethanol plant. The mill’s owners would even consider co-signing on ethanol plant debt or providing debt financing.

The proposed project’s viability was demonstrated by obtaining proprietary "metrics" and cost estimates from technology providers and consulting engineers and by selecting a process best suited to converting wood debris into ethanol; obtaining mill engineering estimates on how best to perform the partial integration, what such integration measures would cost and what value should be placed on partial integration support that would be provided each year; and confirming past and current ethanol prices and projecting future prices.

Additionally, the viability of the project was demonstrated by developing fixed and variable operating costs for ethanol plant operations; developing alternative financing schemes; and developing a financial model to project revenues, earnings, cash flows and return on equity for small, medium and large cellulosic ethanol plants. That financial model would then be used to run sensitivity tests reflecting optimistic, likely and pessimistic assumptions.


Financial Summary for Resident Partially Integrated Cellulosic Ethanol Plants of Three Sizes

Direct Cost/gallon                              
Small     1.01               
Mid-Sized       0.86                
Large  1.10

Operating Income/gallon                     
Small     1.32               
Mid-Sized  1.47                   
Large  1.23

Avg. Ann’l Revenue ($mm)
Small    25.1                 
Mid-Sized    50.3                  
Large           128.7

Avg. Ann’l Cash Flows ($mm)
Small     8.9
Mid-Sized     24.7   
Large   53.1

Mill’s %Equity                                  
Small     26%
Mid-Sized 27%      
Large     32%

Value of Mill’s Equity ($mm)
Small     6.7
Mid-Sized     11.5  
Large   26.7

Mill’s Share of C’Flows ($mm)
Small     2.3
Mid-Sized       6.7
Large  16.4 (a)

Ann’l Mill Subsidies ($mm)               
Small     1.1
Mid-Sized      2.1 
Large  5.1 (a)

Mill’s Cash-on-Cash Return               
Small    2.1:1
Mid-Sized   3.2:1
Large      3.2:1 (a/b)

After reviewing the various technologies that offered promise for processing scrap wood, a dialogue commenced with a technology provider that had successfully demonstrated this capability and was willing to license its process. A confidentiality agreement was entered into, and proprietary data was obtained for use in the feasibility study. This data was based on "metrics" of a specific plant that was under construction. Included were plant construction costs and the construction time line, plant operating costs, staffing requirements, steam and power requirements and estimated ethanol yields from cellulosic wastes having a specified cellulose content. The data obtained from the technology provider was then scaled to reflect three plant sizes.

Data was also developed for each plant size to reflect partial integration of the plant to the host mill. Mill engineers provided estimates of amounts of steam the mill could supply the plant. A plant site was identified on land available at the mill. Estimated infrastructure upgrades were identified and cost estimates made.

Lease values were then placed on acreage to be used by the plant. Cost estimates were made for process steam, electricity and water to be supplied the plant. Fair value estimates were made for support services that the mill would provide, including waste treatment and disposal, wood waste procurement and materials storage and handling.

Using these data, a financial model was developed and projections run for each plant size. Sensitivity tests were performed using a variety of expected ethanol prices and costs and yields for various mixes of wood debris and wood chips.

To meet the mill manager’s requirement to minimize the mill’s investment, it was estimated that up-front capital outlays for infrastructure improvements to support the partial integration would cost approximately $1 million. It was also estimated that the "value" of the partial integration support to be provided by the mill would run between $1.1 million per year for a small plant, $2.1 million for a medium-sized plant and $5.1 million for a large plant. It was envisioned that the mill would forgo collection of partial integration support costs for five years in return for equity in the ethanol plant.

The study indicated that, in recent years, ethanol prices were highly correlated to gasoline prices, staying in a range of plus-or-minus 35 cents per gallon of observed gasoline prices. It was also found that during a three-year period, although ethanol prices had varied widely, they had been trending upward, and the upward trend was expected to continue in light of the MBTE phase-out and increases in gasoline prices. Although a recent average rack price for ethanol was at $2.33 per gallon, a lower ethanol price of $2.23 was used in evaluating the economies of scale for the three ethanol plant sizes.

With respect to evaluating economies of scale, the sensitivity tests performed indicated that partial integration to a mid-sized plant appeared to be the most economic of the three sizes being considered. Because the mid-sized plant requires only 1,000 dry tons per day (dTPD) of wood debris, no expensive woodchips would be needed, giving a mid-sized plant a 24-cents-per-gallon direct cost advantage over a large plant. Further, because the large plant’s feedstock requirement is 1,500 dTPD higher than a mid-sized plant, the mill procurement department expressed concern that to acquire this additional amount of feedstock, it would run the risk of driving up the cost of the mill’s 8,000 dTPD "wood basket."

It was also estimated that the mid-sized plant had a 15-cents-per-gallon direct cost advantage over a small plant, reflecting its operating economies of scale.

As can be expected, the mid-sized plant exhibited the highest income per gallon and a higher cash-on-cash return than the other alternatives.


Capacities and Costs of Ethanol Plants of Three Sizes



Logging Residues: 2,205,750


Pre-Commercial Biomass (< 5” DBH): 4,277,898


Commercial Biomass (5” to 8.9” DBH): 2,662,951


Southern Scrub Oak: 917,440


Mill Residue: 2,452,866


Urban Wood Waste: 310,726


Potential Add’l Wood Waste for Ethanol: 12,827,630


Mid-Sized Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Feedstock Requirements:


(1,000 Dry Tons per day x 330 days per year): 330,000


Number of Plants That Could be supported by Wood Waste:

(12,827,630/330,000)= 39


Number of Pulp & Paper mills in the Southeast: 22


Number of Pulp & Paper mills in South Carolina: 5


Estimated Cellulosic Ethanol Potential in the Southeast

(22/5 x 780 mmGPY)= 3.432 billion GPY

The bottom line is that the pulp and paper mill could receive a significant value stream, with a minimum investment, if it participated in partial integration with a resident cellulosic ethanol plant.

The implication of extending a project of this type to 21 other pulp and paper mills in the Southeast would be significant. It is estimated that at least six of these mills have similar attributes to the mill that has been studied. If each of these mills could host a mid-sized resident cellulosic ethanol plant, 120 million gallons per year of ethanol could be produced in four years, enough to meet 24 percent of the EISA Renewable Fuels Standard cellulosic ethanol mandate for 2012.

In fact, there may be enough wood debris to support 24 large (55 million gallons per year) stand-alone plants. A recent independent study by Clemson University, Clemson, S.C., estimates South Carolina has enough untapped wood debris to support 39 mid-sized plants.

If extrapolated for all 22 mills in the Southeast, 3.432 billion gallons per year of ethanol could be produced from this untapped wood scrap. This equals the ethanol capacity of 62 large plants, which is quite a bit of untapped potential.

Tim Sklar, CPA, is president and founder of Sklar & Associates, a South Carolina-based consulting firm specializing in biofuels project development. He can be contacted at sklarincdc@aol.com.

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