ExxonMobil commits $1.5M to The Recycling Partnership

The company is the first in the energy sector to contribute funding to the nonprofit.

ExxonMobil, Irving, Texas, has become the first energy company to join The Recycling Partnership, Falls Church, Virginia. The national nonprofit seeks to leverage corporate investments to increase recycling. ExxonMobil joins 34 other companies, including Coca-Cola, Target, Amazon, PepsiCo, Starbucks and P&G, in providing funding for The Recycling Partnership.

Keefe Harrison, CEO of The Recycling Partnership, says of ExxonMobil, “Their $1.5 million investment in our organization shows a dedicated commitment to help us deliver measurable and sustainable change to peoples’ everyday lives through improved recycling system solutions. As our first energy industry partner, ExxonMobil recognizes that collaboration, across and within industries, is a key to building sustainable communities.”

“At ExxonMobil, we believe our fundamental purpose is to help improve peoples’ lives and empower human progress,” says Dave Andrew, vice president of sustainability at ExxonMobil. “We are committed to providing sustainable solutions that make modern life possible so future generations can thrive. Expanding community access to efficient recycling systems is a priority for us, and we are very excited to be a part of the great work The Recycling Partnership is doing in this area.”

The Recycling Partnership says its goal is to help every family in America recycle so the country can double its current recycling rate and capture 22 million more tons of recyclables per year, avoid 50 million metric tons of greenhouse gas annually and save $250 million in contamination costs every year.

“Thanks to our partnership with global companies like ExxonMobil, which recognize the value of supporting our sustainability mission, we will be able to move closer to making the circular economy mainstream,” Harrison says. “We will also be able to have a much larger impact on the health of our planet and peoples’ everyday lives now and in the future.”