Effective Advisers

Ten tips for creating an effective advisory board.

As an entrepreneur, you don’t need to navigate unfamiliar waters alone. By putting together a good board of advisers, you’ll create a powerful asset that can make a huge difference when you need to get objective advice, scout the marketplace, gauge future trends, seek new strategic positions, have introductions made or build repeat customers.

Unlike corporate boards, advisory boards have no fiduciary responsibility and their advice is non-binding. Some are hands-on, meeting monthly or more, even getting involved in the daily grind. Others meet quarterly, with an eye to the big picture. Many consist solely of interested outsiders, but a good number include investors as well. What all such boards share is this: They advise, evaluate and play devil’s advocate.

Here are 10 rules of thumb to follow when assembling an effective advisory board for your business:

Determine the Objective of Your Advisory Board: Advisory boards can be general in scope or targeted to specific markets, industries or issues, such as adopting new technology or going global. They provide timely knowledge about trends and competitors as well as aid in identifying upcoming political, legislative and regulatory developments. They can help you enter new businesses and look at your own operation with an open mind.

Advisory boards can also be made up of customers and prospects who provide insights into product development and marketing issues.

Choose the Right People: Of course, when forming a board you need to understand its purpose, but you also need to know what specific skills to seek. In general, look for diverse skills, expertise and experience. You want members to be problem solvers who are quick studies, have strong communication skills and are open minded.

Big names can be a bonus ... but not always: Getting a heavyweight on your board of advisers can give you credibility, but it’s also important to have members who are going to spend the time to give you thoughtful advice or are well connected and willing to make introductions.

Set Expectations: When inviting a prospective member to join your advisory board, you should lay down the ground rules about what is expected in terms of time, responsibilities and term of office. Specify the areas in which you’re seeking help.

If the advisory board is going to discuss issues that include private information, members should be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Compensate Your Advisory Board: Depending on whom you are asking and how involved you need them to be, compensation can vary from just providing food at your meetings to covering expenses to stock options to cash payments to a combination of the four. Keep in mind that your members will likely benefit from the experience in a variety of ways. Being on your board will expose them to ideas and perspectives they may have otherwise missed. It will also expand their own networks and provide them with a way of giving back.

Get the Most Out of Advisory Board Meetings: Prepare for meetings well in advance. Choose a site that is comfortable and free of distractions. Careful thought should be given to developing the agenda and managing the meeting. Solicit input for the agenda and distribute important information ahead of time. Run the session as you would any professional meeting and follow it with an action plan.

The meeting facilitator should know which experts to draw out and how to

Score Web Site Offer Resources For Entrepreneurs

SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) has redesigned its Web site, www.score.org, to offer visitors quick access to its online counseling system and to facilitate locating the nearest SCORE office for face-to-face mentoring and workshops.

The site’s home page has been divided into three key areas: "Highlights," which provides articles, resources and news to help aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners start and grow their businesses; "Recent Content;" and "Upcoming Events," which features national seminars and conferences.

The Web site’s "Featured Content" area organizes information by subject, such as starting, growing and managing a business, and by community, including women, minority and young entrepreneurs.

SCORE CEO Ken Yancey says, "By visiting www.score.org, entrepreneurs and business owners get immediate access to a one-stop resource center that can help them succeed."

SCORE, headquartered in Herndon, Va., and Washington, is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and the formation, growth and success of small business nationwide. The organization has 389 chapters throughout the United States and its territories, with 10,500 working and retired executives and business owners donating time and expertise as business counselors.

                                         – DeAnne Toto

stimulate a dialogue. He or she should be result oriented, as ideas without action aren't worth much.

The minutes should be typed up and circulated to your company’s top management. The notes should include the board’s recommendations on key issues.

Ask for Honesty: An advisory board must be open and frank, so don’t be offended if you hear things you don’t like. Your board will also suggest ways of correcting the problems it identifies.

If appropriate, encourage members to tell you about their mistakes, so you can avoid making the same ones. You can learn a lot by finding out what other people did wrong.

Consider Alternative Methods of Feedback: Getting the entire board together on a regular basis may not be possible. Instead, meet or conduct conference calls with specific board members about topics relevant to their areas of expertise as needed. E-mail is a great tool for reaching everyone on your board and it allows your board members to respond to you at their convenience.

Respect your Board's Contributions: Don't abuse or waste their time. Listen to what the board says. Sometimes, as business executives we are so close to an issue, we can’t see the forest for the trees. But remember: This isn’t a corporate board, so you don't have to do everything they suggest. Ask yourself, "Does this work for my company? Am I comfortable with that?" Then make a decision.

Keep Board Members Informed: Once they’re on the board, keep members excited about your business by giving them updates at times when you aren't soliciting their advice. The fact that they've agreed to be on your board means they care about your company, so keeping up-to-date will help them be of greater value to you. Remember that these people are evangelists for the company.

SBA Introduces Online Finance Courses For Small Business Owners

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Washington, has introduced two free online finance courses to help small business owners with the basic principles of finance and borrowing.

The new self-paced courses, "Finance Primer: Guide to SBA’s Loan Guaranty Programs" at http://app1.sba.gov/sbtn/registration/index.cfm?CourseId=29 and "How to Prepare a Loan Package" at http://app1.sba.gov/sbtn/registration/index.cfm?CourseId=28, answer questions about what debt financing is, what loan programs are available, what small businesses should know about borrowing money, how to prepare a loan package and how loan requests are reviewed by lenders.

The finance courses can help entrepreneurs avoid some common mistakes, such as securing the wrong type of financing, miscalculating the amount of financing required and underestimating the cost of borrowing money.

Course participants who complete the 30-minute online training programs can earn a certificate of completion from the SBA, with their name, date and course title.

The finance courses have been added to a menu of more than 26 online tutorials offered by the SBA. On a typical day, 800 to 2,000 customers register for free online courses offered by the SBA through its virtual training campus at the Small Business Training Network (SBTN; www.sba.gov/training).

                                              – DeAnne Toto

Fire Bad Board Members:
If you realize you’ve made a bad choice in selecting a board member, get rid of him or her. Unlike a board of directors, advisers can be replaced without a lot of legal headaches.

The author is a business strategist and president of Stengel Solutions, available online at www.stengelsolutions.com. She can be reached at (212) 362-3088.

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