

July 10-13

CRRA Annual Conference, Los Angeles,

California Resource Recovery Association,

(916) 441-2772

July 25-27

Enterprise Content Management, Denver,

International Quality & Productivity Center, or

Sept. 5-7, 2005

Business Across Borders Europe, Amsterdam,

Professional Records & Information Services Management International,

(919) 771-0657 or

Sept. 12-15

ASIS 2005, Orlando, Fla., ASIS International,

(703) 519-6200 or

AUG. 28-31

NRC Annual Congress, Minneapolis,

National Recycling Coalition, (202) 347-0450

Oct. 3-5

European Paper Recycling Conference,

Brussels, GIE Media, (800) 456-0707

Oct. 15-20

77th AHIMA National Convention and Exhibit, San Diego,

American Health Information Management Association,

(312) 233-1100

October 24-25

NAID Europe Conference 2005,  Frankfurt,

National Association for Information Destruction

(602) 788-6243

Oct. 27-28

E-Scrap 2005, Orlando, Fla.,

Resource Recycling, (503) 233-1305

August 2005
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