
Recyclers from throughout the world will gather in The Forbidden City in late May for the BIR World Recycling Convention.

The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) will hold its spring
World Recycling Convention May 29-31 in Beijing. In addtion to networking with recycling experts from throughout the world, the convention will give BIR members the opportunity to explore China’s vibrant economy, history and culture.

According to the BIR, the convention will focus on doing business within China, which is the world’s fastest growing consumer of secondary materials, and attendees will have the opportunity to network with potential customers.

In addition to networking opportunities, the World Recycling Convention will also include presentations from recognized industry experts who will address the international market outlook for various secondary commodities in the near and middle terms.

MAKING ACQUAINTANCES. The China World Hotel, part of the China World Trade Centre complex in the heart of Beijing’s diplomatic and business district, will host the conference, which will include a number of networking opportunities.

The BIR will host a networking event the evening of Tuesday, May 30, at the Imperial Ancestral Temple. All BIR registered delegates, guests and spouses are invited to the "Imperial Evening," which will include various Chinese foods and performances in the temple’s courtyard. The Imperial Ancestral Temple dates back to 1420 and was built under the Ming dynasty. Following the Communist takeover, the temple was converted into the Working People’s Cultural Palace and houses operas and other cultural events.

If early registrations are any indication, attendance at the convention should be strong. According to the BIR Web site, as of March 8, "we have more registered delegates than at the same time before the Barcelona Convention, which reached a total of more than 900 delegates and about 200 accompanying persons and was amongst the most successful conventions ever organized in the history of BIR." While the BIR does not anticipate the same level of attendance for the May 2006 gathering, the organization is "confident" that it will receive "an impressive number" of delegates, according to its Web site.

As usual, the spring meeting will include an exhibit area featuring companies that offer recovery and processing technologies to the recycling industry. According to the BIR, there should be a strong showing among exhibitors, as two-thirds of the exhibition area was pre-booked when the exhibitor programs were sent out.

The BIR will also offer larger hospitality booths for rent at the World Recycling Conference that will enable companies to welcome their clients in a more private setting. The booths will be in the main foyer of the China World Hotel, opposite the main meeting room and exhibition area.

In addition to these networking opportunities, the World Recycling Conference will also feature informative speakers and workshops.

Plenary Session Schedule

Monday, May 29

9:30 a.m.

Ferrous Division

11 a.m.

Stainless Steel & Special Alloys Committee

2 p.m.

Shredder Committee; Followed by Media Metals Separation Committee

4 p.m.

Plastics Committee

Tuesday, May 30

9:30 a.m.

Non-Ferrous Metals Division

11 a.m.

Environmental Council, with special focus on Chinese legislation

2 p.m.

Annual General Assembly

Wednesday, May 31

9:30 a.m.

Paper Division

11 a.m.

Textiles Division

2 p.m.

Tires Committee

DOWN TO BUSINESS. Plenary sessions, which begin Monday, May 29, and conclude Wednesday, May 31, will be simultaneously translated in English, French, German and Chinese. Plenary sessions are open to all registered delegates. (Please refer to the sidebar on p. 89 for a complete listing of plenary sessions and times.)

Topics to be covered Monday include ferrous, stainless steel and specialty alloys and plastics. Trading sessions will follow each commodity-based plenary session and will occur in the exhibit area. The Shredder Committee will also meet Monday afternoon followed by a Media Metals Separation Committee meeting.

Jim Southwood, founder and president of Commodity Metals Management Co. (CMMC), Wexford, Pa., will be the keynote speaker at the Nonferrous Metals Division meeting May 30.

As president of CMMC, Southwood specializes in managing price risk by using his experience, consulting skills and knowledge of supply and demand trends to improve the profitability of companies in the aluminum industry.

The Environmental Council plenary session will include a special focus on Chinese legislation, such as import regulations governed by China’s Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the China Certification and Inspection Co. Inc.

Plenary sessions scheduled for Wednesday, May 31, will include paper, textiles and tires, each followed by trading sessions in the exhibit area.

Various BIR committees will meet Sunday, May 28, before the official start of the conference. These meetings are by invitation only and will include the Convention, Finance, Communication and Membership Committees and the Advisory Council. Other invitation-only meetings include the Media Metal Board, Nonferrous Board and Young Traders Group Committee, which will all meet May 29. The Ambassadors Committee and Paper Board, also invitation-only events, will be May 30, while the Textile Board will convene May 31.

In addition to the business-related programming and networking opportunities, attendees can book half-day cultural tours of Beijing as well as five-day, four-night pre- and post-conference tours of Xian and Shanghai through China International Travel Service.

More information on the BIR World Recycling Convention, including registration information and general travel tips, can be found at

The author is managing editor of Recycling Today and can be contacted at

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