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Red Bull is promoting the innovative reuse of its cans by sponsoring a 2006 nationwide search for artwork made from the slim containers.

Selected works will be displayed in one of three public exhibitions this fall in Atlanta, Dallas and Minneapolis. A grand prize winner will be selected in each city and awarded an all-expense-paid trip for two to Art Basel, a modern and contemporary art fair in Basel, Switzerland.

The first U.S. Red Bull Art of the Can contest was in Boston in 2005. Four hundred artists from 44 states and 11 countries registered works. Thirty-three of the best pieces were displayed in a public exhibition at the Artist for Humanity Epicenter and can be viewed at Other Red Bull Art of the Can contests have been held in Austria, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland.

Contestants are asked to use Red Bull cans in their artwork, but there are no constraints on creativity. Past Art of the Can entries have included a wall-mounted marlin, a delicately crafted corset, a human-sized interactive kinetic puppet and a pin-art-style sculpture constructed with more than 1,500 Red Bull cans.

Artists can register at For the Atlanta competition, artists must register by July 22 for the Oct. 14 – 31 public exhibition. Those who wish to participate in the Dallas contest must also register by July 22 for the Oct. 21-Nov. 5 exhibition, while those interested in participating in Minneapolis should register by Aug. 5. Minneapolis exhibition dates have yet to be announced.


Wasua Paper, Harrodsburg, Ky., has announced that it will be featured in the Platinum Television Group’s series "Business & Beyond" in a segment on certified Green Seal recipients as part of the show’s Models of Excellence series.

The episode will highlight Wausau Paper’s line of EcoSoft Green Seal towel and tissue products, which are made from 100-percent recycled paper and meet Green Seal’s environmental standards.

"Wausau Paper is very excited about the Platinum Television Group featuring our EcoSoft Green Seal product line as part of its educational series," Mark Stanland, directory of marketing for Wausau Paper/Bay West, says. "Through continued environmental education and awareness, we hope to further promote the use of environmentally preferable products in the business community."

The "Business & Beyond" segment on Wausau Paper is scheduled to air nationally on CNBC and National Geographic and regionally in 50 local markets during the next few months. The latest airing schedules are available at  or


The Elderly Services Team of Naperville, Ill., together with the city’s residential waste hauler Allied Waste Services held a brief ceremony in late March to introduce On the Watch, a senior safety program, and to recognize the Allied driver who inspired the program.

The concept for the program surfaced last December when Allied Waste driver Shawn Kaelin noticed that a senior citizen on his route hadn’t placed her garbage on the curb for her weekly pickup. Kaelin felt something wasn’t right and contacted the Naperville Police Department.

As part of the new program, Allied drivers in Naperville will report suspicious activities on their daily routes to the Naperville Police Department.

To officially launch the new program, Naperville Mayor George Pradel and the city’s Elderly Services Team joined Allied Waste Services to recognize Shawn Kaelin. All 14 Naperville area Allied Waste drivers were on hand to recognize their colleague and to debut a newly designed On the Watch logo that will be displayed on Allied service trucks.

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