BACE introduces SmartBaler System

Equipment company says its system can maximize baling operations.

Recycling equipment manufacturer BACE, Charlotte, North Carolina, has introduced the SmartBaler System, which combines a digital scale with what BACE calls business intelligence software. BACE says the new system will enable any baler from any manufacturer, including vertical balers, to weigh its own contents and transmit all relevant data to selected employees.

“It’s hard to know if the greater benefits of the SmartBaler System are to businesses or the environment,” says Fred Waite, chairman of BACE. “While it certainly decreases the number of trucks that need to be on the road, thereby reducing exhaust emissions, it also provides great benefits to recyclers and retailers.”

The equipment company says using the SmartBaler System eliminates weight disputes and unnecessary truck runs, notifies users of the need for preventive maintenance and brings transparency to recycling transactions.

Other features of the SmartBaler System, according to BACE, include:

  • tracking and providing exact weight of each bale as it is ejected from the baler;
  • notifies recyclers when a certain number of bales are ready for pick up, which can reduce fuel costs, exhaust emissions, travel time and insurance costs for the recycler;
  • tracks usage and sends alerts when the baler is ready for preventive maintenance; and
  • prints and places bar codes on each bale for traceability and automatically orders baling wire or strapping.

Additionally, BACE points says retailers using the SmartBaler System will be able to do store-to-store comparisons to ensure they are achieving maximum recycling efficiencies. With the SmartBaler System retailers can eliminate the need for audit services, since bales are weighed before they are exposed to the elements and moisture that increases bale weights. The bar codes also can be used to set up automatic payment arrangements for the recycled materials, says BACE.

More information on the SmartBaler System can be found at or by sending an email to