Auto Shredder Purchased for Georgia Recycling Plant

Oconee Metal Recycling will be installing a 74-inch Hammermills International shredder at its Covington, Ga., facility.

Hammermills International has announced the commissioning of a 74-inch auto shredder at Oconee Metal Recycling’s scrap recycling plant in Covington, Ga.

The complete design, fabrication and installation of the shredder is being handled by Hammermills International as a turnkey project. The project included a 74-inch x 60-inch shredder, an in-feed conveyor, a downstream plant, as well as all the hydraulics, motors and controls.

According to a Hammermills release, the shredder is based on a Metpro International design that features a patent pending hydraulic squeezebox.

Hammermills International says that it is the exclusive licensee for the Metpro shredder in the United States.

The Hammermills release claims that the downstream ferrous and nonferrous system includes the only patented zero-bleed air system, which was designed by Osborn Engineering, Hammermills International’s affiliate company.

A.W.C., another company affiliated with Hammermills International, handed all site preparation, foundation, machinery build-up and commissioning.

Hammermills International supplies shredders, shredder wear parts, downstream ferrous and nonferrous systems, turnkey installation and removal of plants, production diagnostics as well as operational, environmental and design consulting services.

Hammermills International affiliate companies include Osborn Engineering, A.W.C. Services and Nevada Shredder Consulting. The firm is also the exclusive licensee of Metpro International in the U.S. market.

January 2011
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